A、Anyone would have difficulty without directions. B、It was surprising that store didn’t provide with a manual. C、Mike expected

admin2013-01-22  24

W:With the company in such financial difficulties, I wonder what will happen to the president.
M:Haven’t you heard? The board of directors has asked for his resignation.
Q:What happened to the president of the company?
W:Mike sure was surprised that he had a hard time assembling his new bike.
M:Well,that’s to be expected with no instruction manual.
Q:What does the man imply?

选项 A、Anyone would have difficulty without directions.
B、It was surprising that store didn’t provide with a manual.
C、Mike expected the bike to be assembled at the store.
D、Mike couldn’t understand the instruction.


解析 女士表示麦克肯定没有料到自己组装新自行车这么费劲。男士说如果没有说明手册的话肯定会如此的。其话语里暗含了没有说明手册谁安装都会有困难。所以答案选A项。
