A、Research the company. B、Visit the company. C、Contact the interviewer. D、Polish her resume. A语义理解题。对话开头,女士请男士帮助准备工作面试,并询问男士首先要做

admin2023-02-13  31

W: John, could you help me to prepare for my job interview?
M: No problem.
W: What should I do first?
M: Have you researched the company?
W: Not yet, but I’m going to visit its website.
M: OK. It’s important to find out what services or products it provides.
W: I see, but I have no idea about what questions may be asked during the interview.
M: I’ve got some interview questions for you. That might be helpful for you.
W: Great. I’ll practice my answers to them.
M: Good. Listen carefully during the interview and listen to what they are really asking you.
W: Thank you so much for your advice.

选项 A、Research the company.
B、Visit the company.
C、Contact the interviewer.
D、Polish her resume.


解析 语义理解题。对话开头,女士请男士帮助准备工作面试,并询问男士首先要做的是什么,男士问女士是否调查过所要应聘公司的情况,故A)“调查要应聘的公司”为本题的答案。对话中没有提及B)“参观要应聘的公司”、C)“联系面试官”和D)“润色一下她的简历”,因此均可排除。
