Concern for family values is reducing among younger Japanese as they pursue an inner world of private satisfaction. Data collect

admin2012-08-22  35

问题     Concern for family values is reducing among younger Japanese as they pursue an inner world of private satisfaction. Data collected by the Japanese government in 1993 show that only 23% of Japanese youth are thinking about supporting their aged parents, in contrast to 63% of young Americans. It appears that many younger-generation Japanese are losing both respect for their parents and a sense of responsibility to the family. Experts attribute the change to Japanese parents’ over-spoiling of their children, material plentifulness, and growing concern for private matters. The shift toward individualism among Japanese is most striking among the very young. According to data provided in 1991, 50% of Japanese youth aged 16 to 19 can be labeled "self-centered", compared with 33% among those aged 25 to 29. To earn the label, the young people responded positively to such ideas as "I would like to make decisions without considering traditional values" and "I don’t want to do anything I can’t enjoy doing".


答案 在追求满足个人内心需要的同时,日本年轻一代的家庭价值观日趋减弱。日本政府于1993年收集的数据显示,只有23%的日本青年愿意奉养年迈的父母,这与美国青年中的63%的比例形成鲜明对比。这表明许多年轻一代的日本人正在丧失对父母的尊重以及对家庭的责任感。专家将这一变化归咎于父母对孩子的纵容溺爱、物质的富有以及对个人事物的关注程度的日益增强。向个人主义的转变在日本人中尤以青少年最为明显。1991年的数据表明,50%的16岁至19岁的日本青年被归入“自我中心”之列,相比之下,25至29岁年龄段的人中这一比例为33%。之所以被贴上这一标签,是因为对于诸如“我在做决定时不会对传统价值观加以考虑”以及“我不愿做自己不想做的事”等想法,他们均给予了积极的反应。

