说起季羡林先生的认真,那是出了名的。有一回我供职的刊物要介绍季老,我打电话询问他的职务,他竟认真地把年龄、籍贯、职务等逐一相告,连挂名的10多种职务也不例外。他的意思是,既然你问,我就要说清,含含糊糊有悖治学之道。 ……季老把沙发上的书籍、信札搬到

admin2016-12-27  35

问题     说起季羡林先生的认真,那是出了名的。有一回我供职的刊物要介绍季老,我打电话询问他的职务,他竟认真地把年龄、籍贯、职务等逐一相告,连挂名的10多种职务也不例外。他的意思是,既然你问,我就要说清,含含糊糊有悖治学之道。


答案The conscientiousness of Professor Ji Xianlin is well-known. Once the magazine for which I work intended to carry a biographical sketch of him. When I asked him over the telephone about his current position, he took the matter very seriously and told me not only his position but also his age, place of birth, and over a dozen of his titular positions. His attitude seemed to be: since you have asked me, I have to make everything clear. Vagueness and ambiguity are not in keeping with proper scholarship. ...Only after he moved the books and letters from an armchair did I have a place to sit. As if idly chatting, he asked me some questions about myself and then said modestly that he was "too old to write anything decent. " But his new works were being published one after another. After a while, the telephone rang. After he answered the phone, someone knocked at the door notifying him that there would be a meeting that afternoon. In the midst of coping with all of this activity, he mistakenly wrote an inscription for me on the back of an inscription by the famous old writer Xiao Qian. When I took it from him, I felt very embarrassed. These inscriptions were both meant to be mounted and framed. Now that the two great celebrities had written on both sides of the paper, how was I supposed to mount it? Hearing my worry, Professor Ji blamed himself again and again for his carelessness and said, " Xiao Qian wrote his inscription first. I should write on another piece of paper as a replacement. Let’s do it this way. In a few days I’ll use my brush to write a scroll for you. Is it all right?" I was not very sure about the sincerity of his remarks. However, shortly after I returned to Zhengzhou, I indeed received a letter from him. Enclosed with the letter was an inscription he had written with a brush, quoting two lines from a poem by the famous Song-dynasty scholar Zhu Xi: " Growing old is easy for a young person, but scholarship is difficult. Therefore one must treasure every moment of life. " I was deeply touched.

