A、The job was not well paid. B、The working time was unsuitable. C、The company was not very famous. D、The job was very dangerous.

admin2015-06-23  30

W: Has Smith come back from his trip to Berlin?
M: Yes, and he liked it so much that after only ten days at home, he went back to study German for a year.
Q: What does this conversation tell us about Smith?
W: Do you know that Jack turned down that job offered by the joint venture?
M: Yeah. The hours were convenient, but had he accepted it, he wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet.
Q: Why did Jack refuse the job?

选项 A、The job was not well paid.
B、The working time was unsuitable.
C、The company was not very famous.
D、The job was very dangerous.


解析 推理题。女士问为何Jack拒绝这家合资公司的提供的工作,the joint venture意为“合资企业”。男士回答说这份工作时间倒是很合适,但是如果Jack接受的话,他可能会入不敷出的。解题的关键是能懂得短语make ends meet意思为“使收支平衡”。重点听but后的虚拟语气句。
