Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Product Incident Report Example Answer

admin2015-08-06  39

问题 Complete the form below.
Product Incident Report
Example Answer
Product: rice cooker
Model Number: 【L1】______.
Price of the Product: 【L2】£______.
Name of the Branch: 【L3】______.
Problem: 【L4】______
SERVICE REP: Hello, and welcome to "Under Pressure Enterprises", Customer Service Department. This is Kelly. How may I help you? MR HEWITT: Yes, I’m calling about one of your rice cookers I just purchased.
CR: What seems to be the problem, sir?
H: Seems? There’s no seeming about it! The blasted thing shoots hot steam all over the place, that’s what! It nearly scalded my hand when I went to open it. Why it could have killed the cat or something. It could have exploded and killed my wife and me!
CR: Sir, sir, please calm down. As long as the steam escapes the cooker, it won’t explode.
H: So you’re telling me there’s no problem! Are you calling me a liar?
CR: Sir, no one is calling you a liar.
H: Yes! So I demand a full refund!
CR: Under Pressure will be happy to refund your money, sir. Now I just need some basic information.
H: OK, OK. Sorry. I do tend to get a little hot under the collar. My wife tells me to slow down.. .So, what do you need to know?
CR: Sir, don’t worry. I just need to ask you the model number of the cooker. H: Hmmm.. .where are my glasses? Ah, here! Let’s see.. .ah. It’s R242.
CR: R242. OK, and how much did you pay for the product?
H: 89.99 pounds. It was on sale, I guess I should tell you.
CR: Thank you, that’s honest of you. Now, where did you buy the cooker? Which store and which branch?
H: At that big Electric Life appliance store downtown.
CR: The City Centre Branch?
H: That’s the one.
CR: And you say the problem is that the steam escapes?
H: Yes, it does!
CR: No problem, sir. If there’s steam escaping, clearly the cooker is broken or defective. So we have a R242 cooker with an escaping steam problem. It was bought from Electric Life’s City Centre Branch for 89.99. Is that correct?
H: Yes, that is correct.
CR: Oh, I nearly forget. When did you buy the cooker?
H: Just as soon as my wife got the crazy idea she’ll live longer if she stops eating good English food: roast beef and mash. No, all she says she wants is rice and vegetables and sauces you’d not soak your feet in!
CR: Sir, sir! When did you buy it?
H: Oh, there I go again. Let’s see... we bought it just six months ago! We hardly used it either. But six months? Is that too long? I mean for the warranty?
CR: Very well, that’s well within the warranty period. Now, what’s your name and address.
H: Name and address! What for?
CR: Sir, it is company policy. If you want your money, you must inform me.
H: Money you say? Oh, my name is Herbert Hewitt and my address is 84 Park Road.
CR: Is that here in Coventry?
H: Yes. The postal code is B0241DJ. But I don’t think sending things in the mail is very secure or very efficient. I mean...
CR: Don’t worry, Mr Hewitt, don’t worry. We can credit the money to your credit card. You do have one, don’t you?
H: Yes, that’s how we paid for the cooker.
CR: Oh, yes. We still have the number on computer. I only need to ask your card’s expiry date.
H: I’m afraid I never give that sort of information out. I mean, once you have that, anyone could go charging things and...
CR: Sir! I said your expiry date, not your card’s password.
H: Oh, er, yes. Foolish me. Of course, you didn’t say "password". Let’s see. That will be April 2008.
CR: April 2008. Very well, your card still has nearly two months left to go. We’ll get that refund right to you, probably by five o’clock this evening.
H: You had better! If I don’t get my money.. .wait, wait. Yes, I know I’m losing my temper again. I really am sorry. I haven’t had my medicine today.
CR: And sir? Just one more question for our records. How often do you go shopping at the City Centre Branch?
H: Oh, well it’s hard to say. I suppose maybe once a month. But I can tell you this, if I don’t get my refund, I’ll never shop there again!(He hangs up the phone.)
CR:(sigh)I think it’s time to start looking for another job!


答案City Centre Branch

解析 City Centre Branch根据录音原文可知,商店名称为Electric Life,而此题问的是消费者在哪家Branch购买的电饭锅。由于字数限制,所以此处可以省略冠词the,只需填写City Centre Branch即可。注意首字母大写。
