Man: Get a move on. We need to be at the airport in an hour. Women: Come on! There’s plenty of time. Remember, we’re going on th

admin2011-01-26  13

问题 Man: Get a move on. We need to be at the airport in an hour. Women: Come on! There’s plenty of time. Remember, we’re going on this trip to relax, ______.

选项 A、we’re in the same boat
B、not the other way around
C、so let’s go
D、so forget it


解析 男士说:“快点儿,我们得一小时内赶到机场。”女士说:“拜托,还有很多时间呢。你要记住,我们这趟旅行是为了放松。”A项说“我们处境相同。”B项说“而不是相反。”C项说“所以我们走吧。”D项说“所以别在意。”四个选项中只有B项与女士的前半句话逻辑相符,故答案为B。
