LH集团是—家国内有名的零售企业。白成立以来已在浙江省开设了500多家连锁店,并计划在杭州下沙开设一家,因此需要招聘商场经理一名。 条件: •中国公民,年龄35—40岁 •5年商场管理经验 •有2年以上大型超市或连锁店管理经验优先

admin2009-05-28  47

问题 LH集团是—家国内有名的零售企业。白成立以来已在浙江省开设了500多家连锁店,并计划在杭州下沙开设一家,因此需要招聘商场经理一名。
   有意者请将个人简历、身份证以及近照一张寄至杭州庆春路128号鸿云商务大厦1608室林先生收,邮编310005。 Words for reference:零售企业retail trader:商场经理store manager:条件qualifications:规划和申报技能planning and reporting ability


答案Wanted LH Group is a famous retail trader. Since its estabtishment more than 500 chain stores have been set up in Zhejiang province. Now a supermarket will be opened in Xiasha, Hanghou Therefore, it is seeking one store manager, Qualifications: —Chinese citizen, aged 35 to 40 —5 years’ experience in managing stores —Minimum two years’ experience in managing supermarkets or chain stores preferred —Excellent planning and reporting ability —Good command of English —Skillful at using computers Those who are interested in theposition please send your resume, copy of your ID and a recent photo to Mr. Lin, Room 1608 Hongyun Business Building, 128 Qingchun Road, Hangzhou, 310005

