
admin2019-07-04  69

问题     香港坐落在中国南端的一个弹丸小岛上。在日趋全球化的经济中,香港正起着一个非常重要的角色。由于香港的战略位置,面向国际的商业氛围,和优越的通讯条件,使她成为世界贸易的活动中心和亚太地区的神经中枢。香港已和世界上170个国家和地区的公司有商业往来。与亚洲其他国家和地区的贸易大幅度增长。香港的集装箱港口是世界上最繁忙的,而且还在进一步扩建。虽然香港开始成为世界金融中心还是最近二十年的事,但现在海外贷款已占到香港银行提供的总贷款的一半以上。当这颗东方明珠重新回到中国的掌上时,中国人民眼中的香港未来比过去任何时候都更加光明灿烂。


答案 Hong Kong, a tiny island perched on the tip of Southern China, plays a pivotal role in an increasingly globalized economy. Given its strategic location, internationally oriented business culture and excellent communications, it has become a crossroad of world trade and the nerve center of the Asia-Pacific region. Commercial links reach out to corporations in over 170 countries and regions. Its trade with the rest of Asia has increased substantially. Its container port is now the busiest, and is undergoing further expansion. Although Hong Kong’ s emergence as a world financial center came in recent 20 years, offshore loans account for more than half of the total loan provided by its banks. As the"Pearl of the Orient"returns once again to China’ s palm, its people see later future as brighter than ever.

