The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, which

admin2019-11-17  34

问题 The computer company has announced that it will purchase the color-printing division of a rival company for $950 million, which is part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer in the office color-printing market.

选项 A、million, which is part of a deal that will make
B、million, a part of a deal that makes
C、million, a part of a deal making
D、million as a part of a deal to make
E、million as part of a deal that will make


解析 Rhetorical construction; Verb form
The relative pronoun which requires a clear antecedent, but none appears in the original version of the sentence. The company’s announcement is entirely geared to the future—it will purchase the division as part of a deal that will make it the largest manufacturer.
A There is no antecedent for the relative pronoun which.
B Like a relative pronoun, the appositive phrase (apart...) must have a noun or noun phrase as a clear antecedent; the verb makes should be future tense.
C The appositive phrase requires a clear antecedent; making does not indicate future tense.
D This sentence is a little awkward (the article a in apart is unnecessary) and says something rather different; as a part of a deal to make suggests that the deal itself includes making the company the largest manufacturer rather than its being the outcome of the deal.
E Correct. The future tense is used throughout and the sentence structure is clear.
The correct answer is E.
