What degree was Patrick about to receive?

admin2011-01-23  6

问题 What degree was Patrick about to receive?
Patrick Murphy about to receive a master’ s degree in engineering, but he still hadn’t found the kind of job he was looking for. He was considering the possibility of working as a sales representative for an engineering company, so he made an appointment to discuss the idea with Paula Duran’ s friend Ray Palmer, who used to be a sales representative for the Western Mining and Manufacturing Company.
   When Patrick got to Ray’ s office for their appointment, Ray shook hands and greeted him warmly. "So you think you might be interested in sales," said Ray.
   "Yes," replied Patrick. "I thought you’ d be able to tell me what the work’ s really like. "
   Ray thought for a moment, "Well, like any job, it has its good points and its bad points. One of the best things about it, though, is the independence. As a sales representative you can set your own schedule and do things your own way. "
   "That sounds good," commented Patrick.
   "Yeah, it’ s nothing like a desk job. There’ s a lot of variety in the work—getting out, seeing customers. That’ s the positive side. Of course, there are some disadvantages too. Probably the worst thing is that you’ re away from home a lot and you get pretty tired of airports, planes and hotels. "
   Patrick nodded thoughtfully. "I see what you mean. Also, I think there’ d be a lot of pressure involved. "
   "There is," said Ray. "If you do well one month, they expect you to do better the next. It never stops. "...

选项 A、He can set his own schedule.
B、He can do things in his own way.
C、There’ s a lot of variety in the work.
D、All of the above.


