A、All applicants in US have to take it. B、It is the only college entrance test in US. C、It helps to measure applicants’ academic

admin2023-02-10  6

A growing number of American universities are dropping the entrance exam requirement. More than 800 universities now allow students to apply without an SAT or ACT test score. The SAT and ACT are the two major college entrance tests in the United States.
    For years, colleges have used these tests to help measure an applicant’s academic skills. But more universities are becoming "test optional." Students who apply to test-optional schools can choose whether they want to include test scores in their applications.
    George Washington University in Washington, D.C. is one of the latest schools to adopt a test-optional admissions policy for most of its applicants. It is the largest private university to drop the test requirement. Karen Stroud Felton is the Dean of Admissions at George Washington University. She said in a statement that the university "had concerns that students who could be successful… felt discouraged from applying if their scores were not as strong as their high school performance."
    Each of America’s more than 3,000 colleges and universities has its own admission requirements. At some colleges, test scores are very important. Others are more interested in an applicant’s life experience, teacher recommendations, community service, and talents.
    High school GPA, or grade point average, is another way to judge a student’s ability. A GPA of 3.5 or higher (on scale from 0 to 4) is considered good. For international applicants, universities have specialists review the academic standards of different countries and convert them to GPA equivalents.
    Jennifer Tkacz is the Director of International Admissions at George Mason University. It is the largest test-optional university in the United States. She explains why the school went test-optional in 2012.
    "The university administration felt that for many students, their test scores aren’t necessarily a reflection of their academic strength and the GPA is a much better indicator." Ms. Tkacz says high school performance says more about a student’s potential than a test score.
    "Generally, a strong curriculum that prepares students for college we feel is a much better indicator of how they will succeed. They’ve been in the classroom, they’ve been taking challenging coursework, they’ve been applying that coursework to tests, writing papers, and participating in classroom work. And we think reviewing that information would give us a better idea of how they would perform here at Mason—versus sitting down one day, one time, taking a test."
    19. What do we learn about SAT?
    20. What does ’test optional" mean?
    21. What do we learn about George Mason University?

选项 A、All applicants in US have to take it.
B、It is the only college entrance test in US.
C、It helps to measure applicants’ academic skills.
D、It has been abandoned by all universities.


解析 录音开头提到,很多年来,大学都将SNT和ACT的成绩作为衡量学生学术能力的一个指标。因此选C项“它帮助衡量申请者的学术能力”。选项中包含applicants,college entrance test和universities等关键词,可以推测问题可能与某个大学入学考试相关。录音提到SAT和ACT是美国两大主要的大学入学考试,因此A项“所有学生都要参加SAT”和B项“它是美国唯一的大学入学考试”都不正确;录音还提到已经有超过800所大学允许学生在申请大学时不需要提供SAT或者ACT的成绩,因此D项“所有大学都摒弃了SAT”不正确。
