Anger is a very common human【C1】______and at some time or another we all experience it. From young children to old people we all

admin2016-06-19  27

问题     Anger is a very common human【C1】______and at some time or another we all experience it. From young children to old people we all feel anger at various times and for various reasons. There is nothing wrong with this, it is only when you lose【C2】______of your feelings and begin to rant and rave unnecessarily about something very trivial that it is seen as a【C3】______. Because it is a natural emotion you do not have to strive to get rid of it【C4】______. but you only have to control it getting out of hand.
    If you know that the lack of self confidence is your main problem. Do something about it. There are【C5】______books written about this subject and there is much to be learned from them. Check your local churches or clubs and find out if there are any【C6】______currently running on the subject of self confidence and self esteem. It is well worth the effort to【C7】______your self confidence.
    Make yourself do things that might freak you out. Talking to strangers might【C8】______you. If this is the case make a point of【C9】______one stranger per day and starting a conversation.
    Make a list of things that【C10】______you and lead to you getting angry. Discuss your list with your family and they will give you their support in helping you any way they can. They will be so pleased that you are trying to be different that you can be sure that they will do everything they can to make you happy.
A)aggravate B)approaching C)classes D)completely E)control
F)emotion G)tournament H)trailed I)lecture J)numerous
K)problem L)followed M)regain N)scare O)view



解析 该空格前为动词lose,空格后为介词of,因此填入空格的词应为名词。原句意为“其实这并不是什么问题,只是当你对情绪失去——并且开始不必要地抱怨一些小事的时候”,根据上下文关系推知,所选单词应表示“控制”的意思,选项中只有E符合,且lose control of为固定搭配,意为“对……失去控制”。
