Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

admin2014-08-13  13

问题 Which of the following statements is CORRECT?
If a new idea in America becomes a law, people who suffer from obesity could suffer financially too.
    The US state of Arizona wants to charge overweight citizens $50 annually if they fail to follow their doctors’ advice. People with children or who are overweight because they suffer from a medical condition would be exempt.
    If the idea is approved by Congress, smokers and diabetics who fail to stick to a healthy lifestyle will also have to pay. Medicaid, the organisation which provides healthcare to the poor in the USA, costs the government $339bn a year. Monica Coury, assistant director at Arizona’s Medicaid programme, said that this proposal would ask people to give something back.
    She said that Arizona would take a carrot and stick approach to the problem. As well as penalising people who go against their doctor’s wishes, incentives would be offered for following advice, possibly a keep-fit video.
    Arizona’s senator Kyrsten Sinema has not backed the plans, saying that there isn’t a system to decide whether someone is or isn’t following medical advice. Other critics claim that people don’t need the government to look after them; if they want to be fat and smoke, the ’nanny state’ shouldn’t try to stop them.

选项 A、they are very corpulent themselves.
B、the assessment system is not sound.
C、people should have their own rights.
D、it may cause a lot of social problems.


解析 新闻问及为什么有人反对向胖人征税的建议。新闻指出,亚利桑那州的参议员Kyrsten Sinema没有支持该提议,因为他认为没有二个能决定一个人是否遵循医嘱的系统。而其他评论家宣称,人们不需要政府的照顾,如果他们想要成为胖子或想抽烟,“奶妈国家”就不该试图阻止他们。故正确答案是C。B只是参议员个人的意见,不符合题干中的mainly。
