
admin2015-08-31  45

问题     宋庆龄是20世纪举世闻名的伟大女性。她追随中国近代民主革命家孙中山,1915年和孙中山结婚,中华人民共和国成立后她两度担任国家副主席。在近70年的革命生涯中,她为中国人民的解放事业,为中国妇女儿童的卫生保健和文化教育福利事业,为祖国统一以及保卫世界和平、促进人类进步的事业,作出了不可磨灭的贡献。长期以来,宋庆龄女士都受到中国人民、海外华人华侨的景仰和爱戴,也赢得了国际友人的赞誉和热爱,享有很高的威望。


答案 Soong Ching-ling is regarded as one of the greatest ladies in the 20th century. Soong accompanied Sun Yat-sen, a democratic revolutionist in modern China, and was married to Sun in 1915. After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, she served as vice Chairman twice. During her nearly seven-decade-long revolutionary career, Soong made indelible contributions to the liberation of Chinese people, the improvement of health care as well as cultural and educational benefits for Chinese women and children, the national unification of China, the world peace and the progress of mankind. As a result, for a long time, she has been respected and admired by all the Chinese people both at home and abroad, won praise and love from international friends and enjoyed high prestige all over the world.

