
admin2015-01-09  41

问题     陆地交通的形式,与其说取决于技术,不如说取决于政治、经济和环境方面的考虑。我们现在就可以建造更坚固、更安静、更防滑的道路,但却不建,因为费用太高。我们可以在高速公路两旁安装隔音板并且设计出尾气少、轮胎噪音低的卡车,从而使交通噪音减半,但我们不愿意掏这笔钱。环保游说者们已对汽车厂商产生了巨大影响,对尾气排放的控制已经严格了许多,但是在控制空气污染方面仍然任重而道远。


答案 The traffic forms on land depend on more consideration of the aspect of politics,economy and envi-ron-ment than technology. Currently we can construct more solid, tranquil and skidproof road,but we don’t do it because of high expenditure.We can install celotex on both sides of highway and design truck with little tail gas and tire of low noise to reduce half traffic noise.However,we are unwilling to pay out for it. en-vi-ronmentally-friendly canvasser has exercised great influence over auto manufacturers so that they have been much more strict with the control of tail gas emission. However, we still take up a heavy responsibility and a long course in the aspect of air pollution control.

