王子和李平是好朋友。王平给李平写信,首先对收到贺年片表示感谢;然后询问对方如何过年,介绍了自己在全校文艺演出英语话剧的情况;信中还谈到共同的朋友。最后,谈到他父亲上周从美国回来,带回不少英文书和磁带,欢迎他来一起欣赏阅读。 注:写信的时间是2000

admin2009-04-15  42

问题 王子和李平是好朋友。王平给李平写信,首先对收到贺年片表示感谢;然后询问对方如何过年,介绍了自己在全校文艺演出英语话剧的情况;信中还谈到共同的朋友。最后,谈到他父亲上周从美国回来,带回不少英文书和磁带,欢迎他来一起欣赏阅读。


答案 Dear Li Ping, January 5th, 2000 How are things going at your school? It was really exciting to get your New Year’s card on the New Year’ s Eve. Thank you for the beautiful card. How did you spend your New Year’ s Day? We had a talent show at school, in which we put on an English play. We did it successfully. We all felt excited. Wang Pin and Li Dong send their regards and hope you are enjoying your school life. Wang Pin has been ill and out of school for some time. Now he is better and is making up his lessons. Li Dong passed his college entrance examination and was accepted to Beijing Normal College. Can you imagine he will be a teacher after graduating? Now, he is very excited about his college life there. My father came back from the United States last week. He brought me a lot of English books and some tapes. Would you come to have a look? I’m sure you will like them. Here are the best regards to your family. Yours truly Wang Ping

