今天中国的老百姓一直用酒来庆祝他们的幸福生活。当有人建新房子、结婚、开业(start a business)、发财(make a fortune)或长寿,他都应邀请人来喝酒。在现代,饮酒这一游戏没有过去那么雅致(elegant)了,实在是很可惜,过去的饮酒

admin2013-11-21  19

问题     今天中国的老百姓一直用酒来庆祝他们的幸福生活。当有人建新房子、结婚、开业(start a business)、发财(make a fortune)或长寿,他都应邀请人来喝酒。在现代,饮酒这一游戏没有过去那么雅致(elegant)了,实在是很可惜,过去的饮酒通常有诗歌和音乐助兴。今天,饮酒只是玩简单的猜拳游戏(finger-guessing game)。还伴随着很多酗酒。而且在现在看来,友谊也只取决于酒量的大小。“如果我们是好朋友,就喝干(bottom up);如果不是,那就喝一口吧(take a sip)”,这在聚会中是一种常见的敬酒措辞。


答案 Ordinary Chinese people today have always just used alcohol to help them celebrate the happiness in their lives. When someone builds a new house, marries, starts a business, makes a fortune or lives a long life, he should invite people in for a drinking session. In modern times it is a pity that the games that go with drinking are not the elegant ones of the past that involved poetry or music. Today, drinkers just play simple finger-guessing games along with a lot of heavy drinking. It also seems today that friendship depends only on the volume of drink being consumed. "If we are good friends, then bottoms up; if not, then just take a sip" is a common phrased exchanged during gatherings.

