The following two excerpts are about the real name registration system, which, despite urgent calls from some netizens to purify
The following two excerpts are about the real name registration system, which, despite urgent calls from some netizens to purify
The following two excerpts are about the real name registration system, which, despite urgent calls from some netizens to purify the cyber space, has met challenges. From the excerpts, you can find the justification of real name registration system online but there have been also complaints and criticism about it.
Write an article of NO LESS THAN 300 WORDS, in which you should:
1. summarize the different opinions about the real name registration system, and then
2. express your opinion towards whether real name registration system should be imposed.
Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Write your article on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.
Real Name Registration System
China is deliberating the possibility of implementing a "background" real name registration system that allows Internet users to comment online under pseudonyms after registering their personal information with the authorities. The purported targets are the usual suspects: libel, fraud, pornography, and rumor.
Hu Qiheng, Chairman of the Internet Society of China announced the rules for the new system at INFO China 2006, a conference promoting information industry, held on Tuesday.
Hu Qiheng said real name policy would be implemented in an attempt to strike a balance between individual privacy rights and public interest. The policy will require blog and BBS users to provide authorities with their real names, ID card and other personal identification information, but allow them to preserve their online anonymity.
Hu Qiheng said the right to personal privacy has been overemphasized in the debate over real-name registration. She added some countries have carried out real name registration, showing the world has realized the need for a balance between personal privacy and public and national interest.
Hu Qiheng said all personal information would be kept private as long as users obey the law and refrain from causing public harm. People who violate these principles will have their information released to the public and be supervised by relevant authorities.
As an organization seeking to strengthen communication between the Internet industry and the government, the Internet Society of China has played a leading role in combating spam, malicious software and Internet pirates, as well as promoting a green Internet, providing a healthy Internet environment for children.
Excerpt 2
Real Name Registration Under Attack
Real name registration has applied to Sina Weibo and many other popular microblogs in China for over a year now. However, free speech advocates have raised legitimate concerns since freedom of speech, however offensive, is constitutionally protected from government sanction or censorship in most countries in the world.
In fact, implementing real name registration is easier said than done. Obviously, online service providers and citizens have incentives to comply with the policy or else risk serious punishment. But they may have better reasons to resist. It’s fair to ask: Do the relevant government agencies have the wherewithal to force the issue?
Successful implementation of this policy will vary depending on the type of media. We have social-driven social media and content-driven social media. Platforms like Facebook, which are largely social-driven—that is, structured around interpersonal relationships—are going to have an easier time getting users to comply with real name policies compared with more content-driven platforms like microblogs.
Users of microblogs generally care more about what is being tweeted—the content —rather than who is doing the tweeting. This helps explain why many Weibo users don’t care that information is coming from unknown sources. In fact, anonymously generated content may be exactly the kind of juicy tidbits that microblog users have signed on to see.
Taking this one step further, if real name registration were successfully implemented, and anonymity were effectively banned on the Internet, that would likely degrade content in the eyes of platform users and probably drive users away from China’s popular microblogs.
Let’s Welcome Real Name Registration System The rampant online frauds of various kinds has brought the real name register system into the limelight. Supporters view it as a weapon against harmful news with a background real name registry while keeping the online anonymity. Opponents worry that it may violate people’s free speech right and it may cost the government a great deal to drive it. Furthermore, doubters think that due to different types of media, it is not necessary to implement real name to all channels at all. Nowadays, the Internet brings us a kaleidoscopic world in which we bathe, we bask and sometimes we drown. Information, be it reliable or not overwhelms the Internet so much so that it would be difficult for us to discriminate. Worse still, the rampant crimes camouflaged in cloaks do make it a headache even for professional network police. So how should we solve this delicate problem? So we need to implement the real name registration system. For one thing, it would be much easier for us to refer to the informed knowledge in certain fields with the real name experts enrolled in them. Information from professionals can save us much time and energy in differentiating the true from the false. For another, real name registration system is a rather effective way to curb on-line misdeeds and crimes. On the one hand, real name registration can alleviate the chaotic state of rumors. With real names signed there, rumormongers with ill intention would be easily traced and punished, therefore they dare not sling mud at someone else without giving it a second thought. More importantly, this requirement can definitely lower the rate of the Internet frauds. For those who have malicious intention unrealized, this system can kill it in embryo; for those who are daunting enough to have risked, it would be a moment of time to track them down and bring them to justice. Some say that real name registration, if mishandled, can be a threat to our privacy as well as a violation of our human rights. However, nothing goes well without any price. For the former worry, it can be dealt with successfully with the improvement of technology and for the latter woe, if we netizens follow the moral principles voluntarily, real name registration wouldn’t be an issue at all.