The increased availability of copyrighted material due to the development of information technology has furthered the debate as

admin2021-08-19  85

问题     The increased availability of copyrighted material due to the development of information technology has furthered the debate as to whether copyright offences are criminal. In short, people are asked to use the guideline, "if you did not write it yourself, you must give credit". Plagiarism is not the same as copyright infringement. While both terms may apply to a particular act, they are different concepts, and false claims of authorship generally constitute plagiarism regardless of whether the material is protected by copyright. Copyright infringement is a violation of the rights of a copyright holder, when material whose use is restricted by copyright is used without consent. Plagiarism, in contrast, is concerned with the unearned increment to the plagiarizing author’s reputation, or the obtaining of academic credit, that is achieved through false claims of authorship.
    Thus, plagiarism is considered a moral offense against the plagiarist’s audience (for example, a reader, listener, or teacher).


答案 由于信息技术发展,受著作权保护的材料变得愈加唾手可得,这进一步引发了关于侵犯著作权是否构成刑事犯罪的争论。简单来说,人们应遵循以下准则:若所写非原创,必须标明出处。抄袭并不等同于侵犯著作权。虽然两者可能都适用于某种特定行为。但却是两个不同的概念,且无论材料是否受著作权保护,发布虚假的原创声明即构成抄袭。侵犯著作权是指未经同意使用受著作权保护的材料,侵犯著作权人的权利。相比之下,抄袭是指通过发布虚假的原创声明剽窃原作者的名誉或学术信誉。因此,抄袭被视为是一种对剽窃作品受众(如读者、听众或老师)道德上的冒犯。

解析     主语部分包含一个原因状语且内容较长,若直接翻译会造成译文头重脚轻且逻辑不清晰的情况,因此翻译时根据因果逻辑,将主语部分处理为完整的一句话,然后用指示代词“这”指代这句话,作为其后谓语的主语。further在这里作动词,结合其后的宾语the debate,译为“进一步引发了”,符合中文的搭配和表述习惯。
    “people are asked to…”为被动语态,句中没有宾语,动作的发出者不明,翻译时适合将被动语态变为主动语态,以使译文语言流畅,即将are asked to US{!从“被要求使用”调整为“应遵守、应遵循”等。
    false claims of authorship中的authorship在文中表示“作者的身份”,而claim表示“宣称”,宣称自己是原创作者的行为其实就是“发布原创声明”,再加上修饰语false,即发布虚假的原创声明,这里添加动词“发布”,不仅将claim一词所隐含的动作体现了出来,同时也与其后的动词“抄袭”形成行为上的对照。
