The first national park in America and the world was Yellowstone in the western state of Wyoming. Yellowstone was established in

admin2013-05-19  48

问题     The first national park in America and the world was Yellowstone in the western state of Wyoming. Yellowstone was established in 1872. Yet the idea of protecting areas from human development was proposed many years earlier, American painter George Catlin first proposed the idea during the 1830s. Mr. George Catlin traveled West to paint pictures of native American Indians. He believed the Indians would be destroyed if they could not continue to live in natural wild places. So he proposed that the government establish large areas of land where Indians and the animals they hunted would be protected.
    Only part of George Catlin’s dream came true. Many years after his death the government established the first park — Yellowstone, where wild animals and natural resources would be protected. However, no Indians or other people were permitted to make their homes there. The government said the park was for all the people to enjoy then and in the future.
    Yellowstone National Park gets its name from the Yellowstone River that flows through it. The river got its name from the yellow rocks high along its banks. The native Indians first called the river a name that means rocky yellow river. Later, French hunters translated these words to Yellowrock or Yellowstone.


答案 美国的、也是世界上的第一个国家公园位于美国西部怀俄明州的黄石公园。黄石公园建于1872年,但保护一些地区不被人类开发的想法在许多年之前就已经提出。美国画家乔治-卡特林于19世纪30年代首次提出这一主张。卡特林先生曾到西部旅行。创作以土著美洲印第安为题材的绘画。他意识到,如果印第安人不能在自然野生的地方继续生存下去就有可能灭绝,于是便向政府提议将印第安人以及他们狩猎的动物所生活的大片地区划为保护区。 但乔治-卡特林的梦想只实现了一部分。他去世许多年后政府才建立了第一个国家公园——黄石公园,使这里的野生动物和自然资源能够得到保护。但是,这一地区不允许印第安人或其他任何人居住。政府宣布,该公园是为当时和以后的所有的人而建立的。 黄石国家公园得名于越其间的黄石河,而黄石河又是因其西岸高耸的岩石而得名。土著印第安人最初给这条河起了一个名字,意思是岩石间黄色的河。后来,法国狩猎者把它译成“黄岩石”或“黄石”。

解析     美国有367个受保护的地区,它们包括公园、纪念馆、历史遗址、河流、标出的山路、峡地和战场,总面积超过3200万公顷。美国的第一个国家公园位于西部的怀俄明州黄石地区,建于1872年,它也是世界上的第一个国家公园。黄石国家公园是美国最受欢迎的度假胜地之一。
state of Wyoming:怀俄明州。怀俄明州的名来源于印第安语,其意义是“大草原之地”(Large Prairie Place)或“高山与深谷相间之地”(Alternating State of Wyoming Mountains and Valleys)。本州别名叫做“平等之州”(Equality State)。
protecting areas from human development:译为“保护一些地区不被人类开发”,其中“protect…from…”表示“keep safe from danger,enemies(防御危险,敌人)。”例如,well protected from cold(防护良好而不受冻)。
George Catlin:乔治.卡特林。1832年边疆风物画家乔治.卡特林来到了当时多数美国人尚不熟悉的大西部,踏访现今南达科达州的皮尔堡(Fort Pierre),专事印第安人物画像与旅行。在旅途中他发现许多印第安人文化遭到白人文化入侵后,向各方呼吁建立专门的保护区。
paint pictures of native American Indians:译为“创作以土著美洲印第安人为题材的绘画”,其中“native American Indians”约定俗成译作“土著美洲印第安人”。
no Indians or other people were permitted to make their homes there:英译汉时往往将被动结构转化为主动结构,汉语可以省略主语。故译为“这一地区不允许印第安人或其他任何人居住”。
The government said the park was for all the people to enjoy then and in the future:遇到“say”时,宜根据上下文,仔细琢磨,看看是否有更具体、更合适的词汇来翻译,而不是用一个笼统的“说”一带而过。这里“said”实指“(政府)宣布”。
故全句译为:  “政府宣布,该公园是为当时和以后的所有的人而建立的。”
the Yellowstone River:黄石河。黄石公园根据穿流其间的黄石河命名。
rocky yellow river:岩石问黄色的河。
Yellowrock or Yellowstone:“黄岩石”或“黄石”。
