First it was pets, then fish. Now it’s poultry and pigs. The【C1】________of animals allowed to feed on insects is growing. A new

admin2022-11-16  45

问题     First it was pets, then fish. Now it’s poultry and pigs. The【C1】________of animals allowed to feed on insects is growing. A new EU law【C2】________the use of insect protein in poultry and pig feed came into【C3】________earlier this month, which is a significant【C4】________for an industry keen to【C5】________ its way into the animal-feed business.
    【C6】________a ban on processed animal protein was imposed in 2001 in the【C7】________of the "mad cow" crisis, soy and fishmeal have become the bedrock of animal feed in Europe. But their production needs lots of space and can be【C8】________to the environment, so feed manufacturers are looking for【C9】________.
    Insects are just the ticket. They are reared in vertical farms that require little land or water, and they can be fed on agricultural by-products or food waste【C10】________rotting fruit and vegetables. They’re also a natural【C11】________. Most wild fish, birds and pigs eat insects.
    The one thing going【C12】________them is price: insect protein is two to three times more expensive than fishmeal, and many times pricier than soy. Scaling up production may help close the gap. Rabobank, a Dutch lender,【C13】________that global insect production will reach 500,000 tonnes a year by 2030, and that prices will tumble.
    Insect companies have【C14】________hard on their pitch. Research suggests insects may be more than mere feed,【C15】________growth rates and immune systems as well as filling stomachs. They also offer the【C16】________of a green, local protein.
    Poultry and pig feed are by far the largest animal-feed markets, but they’re more【C17】________ than food for pets or fish. For that reason, says Antoine Hubert, CEO of Ynsect, a mealworm firm, insect protein will probably be used only in premium meat at first.
    This year the European Food Safety Agency has ruled that three【C18】________of insects (yellow mealworm, locusts and house crickets) are【C19】________for humans to eat as well.【C20】________. however, people seem less keen on the idea than chickens and pigs.

选项 A、Undoubtedly


解析 空格所在句意为“________,然而,人们似乎没有像鸡和猪那样热衷于吃昆虫”。前一句提及欧洲食品安全局裁定三种昆虫也可供人类安全食用,这里说人们似乎不热衷,前后暗含了一种转折关系,即欧盟当局设想,人们可能会出于昆虫的种种好处而去食用,但实际大众仍然无法接受,对这一新规的反应冷淡。观察四个选项,能表达这种关系的只有Oddly(出乎意料地;异常地),故B项为答案。A项Undoubtedly意为“确定无疑地”,意思是意料之中,这与原文意思相反,故排除。C项Regularly意为“定期地”,D项Occasionally意为“偶然地”,代入原文,语意不通,故全部排除。
