Which of the following italicized parts indicates CONCESSION?

admin2016-06-30  24

问题 Which of the following italicized parts indicates CONCESSION?

选项 A、As I didn’t know how to do it, I turned to the teacher.
B、I will wear the necklace how I like it.
C、While I admit that his method is not the best, I do choose to adopt it.
D、What has he done that you should be so angry with him?


解析 译文:下列哪个句子的斜体部分表示让步?句意理解题。[A]项“由于我不知道怎样做,就问了老师。”as I didn’t know how to do it表示原因;[B]项“我将以我喜欢的方式戴这个项链。”how I like it表示方式;[C]项“尽管我承认他的办法不是最好的,但是我还是选择了它。”while I admit that his method is not the best表示让步;[D]项“他做了什么让你对他如此生气?”that you should be so angry with him表示结果。因此[C]为答案。
