程颢伦理学的最重要特点强调“识仁”。而“识仁”之所以重要,是因为“仁”对于个人的修养及其在社会活动中具有根本性的指导作用。他说:“学者须先识仁。仁者,浑然与物同体。义、礼、知、信皆仁也。识得此理,以诚敬存之而已,不须防检,不须穷索。” 相对于大程的

admin2021-08-19  77

问题     程颢伦理学的最重要特点强调“识仁”。而“识仁”之所以重要,是因为“仁”对于个人的修养及其在社会活动中具有根本性的指导作用。他说:“学者须先识仁。仁者,浑然与物同体。义、礼、知、信皆仁也。识得此理,以诚敬存之而已,不须防检,不须穷索。”


答案 The most important ethical idea held by Cheng Hao is understanding ren (benevolence). In his opinion, understanding benevolence is important because benevolence plays a fundamental role in guiding personal cultivation and social activity. He pointed out, "Scholars should first understand benevolence, which is integrated into everything. Righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faithfulness are all forms of benevolence. When we know this, we will remain benevolent with reverence rather than keep examining whether we are benevolent or not or search for benevolence. " Compared to Cheng Hao’s idea of understanding benevolence, Cheng Yi’s theory of benevolence is richer in content. He studied the similarities and differences between benevolence and universal love, benevolence and sageness, benevolence and filial piety, as well as benevolence and mind, demonstrating his philosophical method of analysis. Zhu Xi accepted Cheng Yi’s idea that benevolence is the li (principle) of love and the virtue of the heart, holding that, "Love is the feeling of compassion, and the essence of benevolence. A man is a man because the principle that a man holds is the li (principle) of Heaven and Earth, and the qi that a man has is the qi of Heaven and Earth. " He emphasized that benevolence is something mild, saying, "Benevolence is something mild though it seems to have something to do with fortitude and integrity. " Zhu pointed when we talk about a house, we should not only mention its size, but should discuss the material of the house, because the material is the main part of the house and the space only refers to its capacity. Therefore, when we talk about benevolence, we should focus on its construction and property, rather than its manifestation-benevolence in all things as a whole. ln the early period of modern times, Tan Sitong, faced with the impact of modern Western culture, put forward a new theory of benevolence, which suggests that benevolence should first be based on tong (communication), combining ancient Confucianism with modern humanita-rianism. Tan thus ushered in the Hundred Days’ Reform movement, together with other scholars who advocating constitutional reform and modernization.

解析     “义、礼、知、信”这四个词分别意为“正义、礼节、认知和忠实”,根据理解将之分别译为righteousness、propriety、wisdom和faithfulness。结合语境和常识可知,这四者皆为“仁”的具体呈现形式,并非“仁”本身,因此翻译时添加范畴词forms,表述更严谨。
    这句话内容较多,按照语意可以分为两部分,第一部分为“到近代之初……结合在一起了”,阐述谭嗣同的“新仁学”思想,第二部分为“与其他……中国现代思想的运动”,指出谭嗣同的新思想所产生的历史意义,翻译时按照这样的层次结构翻译为两句。第一部分中的“通”的哲学含义是“事物之间的相互联系、相互沟通、相互渗透、相互感应。”在这里意指“博古通今,学贯中西”,强调思想间的交流沟通,因此译为communication,由于“通”在这里为中国特有的哲学概念,且在文中首次出现,所以翻译时使用其中文拼音全称,并用括号形式引出相对的英文词汇或解释做补充说明。根据“与其他维新之士”可知,这里的“中国现代思想运动”指“维新变法、戊戌变法、百日维新”这场思想改革运动,翻译时,将之具化为the hundred Days’ Reform movement of China’s modern thought。“戊戌维新之士”指的是“支持变法维新思想的学者”,翻译时使用表示“提倡和维护某种思想”之意的动词advocate.引出这些学者对“维新”的态度,同时也指明了“维新”的具体方向。
