The key position and role of women in the process of development is increasingly being recognized. Although the three great Worl

admin2011-03-14  45

问题     The key position and role of women in the process of development is increasingly being recognized. Although the three great World Conferences of Women were more concerned with recognizing and compiling approaches to emancipation, we can currently confirm a general sharpening of awareness. It has become clear that the Third World cultures, in earlier times strongly matriarchal, have been weakened in this respect by the methods of colonial education which are almost exclusively directed towards the male. Of the many criticisms of this situation let one voice be heard: "Development education groups and programs are very much male dominated and lack woman’s perspective". So, too, the hopes placed in vocational training—"vocationalization"—as an aid to equality have been disappointed since this in its turn was to large extent focused on the male.
    In these circumstances we should not be surprised that until now women have participated least in the educational processes which have been introduced. Only 20% attend primary school and the percentage of those who leave early is highest among girls. Because of the lack of basic training only around 10% take part in Adult Education programs; hence it is vitally important to secure a turning point by increasing the awareness of the need for education.


答案 人们逐渐认识到女性在社会发展过程中所处的关键地位和所起的作用。以前召开的三次意义重大的世界妇女大会更关注鉴别和收集女性摆脱男权束缚的方法,但我们确信人们目前已普遍加深了对此问题的认识。很明显,第三世界的文化,(早期强调母权制),在这个方面已被殖民教育的方法削弱了,而这种殖民教育几乎只针对男性。在针对这种状况的许多批评中,我们应该听听这种意见:“进行发展教育的群体与项目大部分由男性支配,缺少女性的观点。”所以,寄托在职业培训上的希望——职业化,作为确保平等的一种辅助手段,也一直令人失望,因为这种培训I在很大程度上也只关注男性。 在这样的情况下,我们对以下情况就不该感到奇怪迄今为止,在采用的教育发展过程中女性参加的活动最少。只有20%的女性读了小学,那些辍学者中,女孩的比例最高。由于缺乏基础训练,只有大约10%的女性参加了成人教育学习计划;因此,增强人们的教育需求意识以确保这种状况有所转变是非常重要的。

