Could you tell me what influence you think globalization is having on business life in China?

admin2010-02-11  54

问题 Could you tell me what influence you think globalization is having on business life in China?


答案Suggested answers: a.Well, today globalization is allowing companies to source from greater distances. This enables a company to exploit the economic advantages of low labor costs in one country and high market value in another. Of course, they have to be careful not to be seen to be exploiting the workers. Consumers are becoming ever more sensitive to the exploitation stories and indeed environmental issues. This is because as consumers become richer and become used to spending more on a product, they also feel that they should be spending ethically. Media stories and press items back this up, and exploitation stories receive very good press. And of course, they can cause great damage. The bigger the brand, the higher the risk of a PR disaster. Also companies now have to worry about PR among their own employees. After all, recent stories about fat cat executive salaries can easily affect morale and thus workers’ productivity. b.I think globalization has great influence on business life in China. Today, globalization is being challenged around the world. Globalization can be a force for good. Globalization has helped hundreds of millions of people attain higher standards of living. The globalization of the economy has benefited countries that took advantage of it by seeking new markets for their exports and by welcoming foreign investment. But for millions of people globalization has not worked. Many have actively been made worse off, as they have seen their jobs destroyed and their lives become more insecure. They have felt increasingly powerless against forces beyond their control. They have seen their life style undermined, their cultures eroded. If globalization continues to be conducted in the way that it has been in the past, if we continue to fail to learn from our mistakes, globalization will not only not succeed in promoting development but will continue to create poverty and instability. Without reform, the backlash that has already started will mount and discontent with globalization will grow. This will be a tragedy for all of us, and especially for the billions who might otherwise have benefited. c.It’s not easy to change how things are done. Bureaucracies, like people, fall into bad habits, and adapting to change can be painful. All the nations in the world need to do their parts to reform the international institutions that govern globalization. Globalization seems to undermine traditional values. The conflicts are real, and to some extent unavoidable. Economic growth—including that induced by globalization—will result in urbanization, undermining traditional rural societies. d.So long as globalization is presented in the way that it has been, it represents a disenfranchisement. With globalization, China seizes the opportunity to combine its short-run needs with long-run growth objectives. e.With globalization and the closer integration of China and the rest world, the local workforce is becoming more diverse and mobile than ever. Companies plan to raise marketing efforts for its HRMS system, which includes modules for training, administration, payroll and advanced benefits. They also intend to strengthen partnerships with multinational and local systems integrators. Customers will receive active support form enterprises in tracking and measuring the performance of their HRMS implementation. f.Globalization is less than meets the eye. Globalization is becoming obscured as much as illuminated by the rhetoric surrounding it. If we define it as greater access to markets by foreign businesses, then there is considerably less globalization than has been presumed. Globalization is not new. Globalization, in the sense of access by foreign businesses to domestic markets, still varies widely among countries.

解析 globalization全球化。backlash强烈反应。payroll工资表,工资额,在职人员名单。HRMS=Human Resources Management System人力资源管理体系。
