A、He knows the exact number of airport buses. B、He knows the exact number of delegates’ spouse. C、He doesn’t know the exact numb

admin2022-11-06  31

M: And Pacific tours. How can I help you?
W: Good afternoon, can I speak to Mark please?
M: Speaking?
W: Oh, hello Mark this is Linda from Johnson and sun’s events.
M: Hello Linda, what can I do for you?
W: I was just wanting to clear up a few details of the conference events we’re organizing
M: Right, what do you need to know?
W: Well, first I’ve got to have numbers delegates to the conference, their husbands, our wives and so on for the transport as much as anything else.
M: So far we’ve got 183 who’ve booked up and we might get a few more.
W: Does that include husbands and wives as well?
M: Not really. I’ll email you the exact number because I haven’t counted them yet.
W: Fine.
M: And they’ll be six guest speakers.
W: Thanks.
M: Yes, who want picking up from the airport by car not in your fleet of buses.
W: Right, you’ll let me know when they’re arriving won’t you?
M: Just as soon as I know.
W: Now special events, you wanted a local style dance for the opening ceremony didn’t you?
M: It would be great. I’m sure everyone will enjoy it.
W: And we’ll have to fly the dancers in specially.
M: Sure.
W: And then at the welcoming feast there’s going to be a piano performance, right?
M: Yes, but we’ll have to contact the airline company about it. They’re sponsoring the event.
W: So we’ll send the Bill direct to them for it.
M: You could do.
W: Well. That’s all my queries for the time being.
M: Okay, if you need anything else just pick up the phone or drop me an email.
W: I will, thanks, bye.
M: Bye.
1. What is Linda’s purpose in calling Mark?
2. What do we learn about Mark from the conversation?
3. What does Linda want to know?
4. How many performances have been planned for the conference?
5. Who will pay for the piano performance?

选项 A、He knows the exact number of airport buses.
B、He knows the exact number of delegates’ spouse.
C、He doesn’t know the exact number of delegates yet.
D、He doesn’t know the number of guest speakers.


解析 Mark说他会把具体数目e-mail给女士,因为他还没有统计好代表的人数,故选C,同时排除B。Mark指出演讲人到机场后用小汽车迎接,而非A提到的机场大巴。Mark告诉Linda会有6名演讲人,故排除D“不知道嘉宾演讲人人数”。
