Typical Korean eating style can be understood as the following except that

admin2009-06-24  26

问题 Typical Korean eating style can be understood as the following except that
Korea and Japan are so similar because Korea is located next to Japan, but we have lots of differences in our eating style. Although there is no prescribed order for eating the many dishes served at a traditional Korean meal, many Koreans start with a small portion of soup before eating the other dishes in any order they wish.
    Unlike other chopstick cultures, Koreans do not eat rice with chopsticks only but use sujeo, a combination of a long shallow spoon and oval-shaped chopsticks. Koreans generally do not pick up their rice or soup bowls, but leave both on the table and eat from them with spoons. Side dishes are eaten with chopsticks.
    Bad manners include blowing one’s nose at the table, which is considered the rudest of acts, picking up chopstick or spoon before the oldest person starts the meal, chewing with an open mouth, talking with food in one’s mouth, sticking chopsticks or spoons straight up in a dish, stabbing food with chopsticks, mixing rice and soup, and picking up food with one’s hands (with certain exceptions). In informal situations, these roles are often broken.
    Though diners do not need to finish all the shared food that was provided, it is customary to finish one’s individual portion of rice.
    On the other hand, in Japan, there are different roles about eating. First, they use just chopsticks; they don’t use silverware. Also, when they eat food, they pick up the bowl for the main dish. Next, until 150 years ago, they did not eat meat because they believe in Buddhism. The Japanese eat lots of seafood dishes because Japan is surrounded by water and they come from the Buddhist tradition. Finally, unlike Koreans, when Japanese eat, they just put a few dishes on their table.  As you can see, we have some different eating styles although we are so close because of our geographical situation.

选项 A、Japanese don’t use silverware.
B、Japanese didn’t eat meat until 150 years ago.
C、Japanese eat lots of seafood dishes.
D、Japanese put quite a few dishes on their table while eating.


解析 从听力材料中我们了解到"...unlike Koreans,when Japanese eat,they just put a few dishes on their table".由此可知,日本人在就餐时只摆几样菜。a few(几个)不同于quite a few(很多)。
