The best title for this passage would be ______. According to the author, which of the following is NOT necessarily the case?

admin2009-05-21  60

问题 The best title for this passage would be ______.
According to the author, which of the following is NOT necessarily the case?

选项 A、What is presented to the jury is unobstructed truth.
B、Without defense attorneys, innocent people would go to jail.
C、Attorneys will use all methods at their disposal to make the facts and laws favor their clients.
D、The adversarial process yields fair and unbiased presentation and evaluation of facts.


解析 这是一道细节题。文章第二段指出:尽自己所能以对自己的当事人有利的方式来诠释法律不仅是辩护律师的准则,也是公诉人的一贯做法;这样做的结果就是呈现给陪审团一个最清楚的事实真相,而不带任何人为操纵的痕迹。这说明,A和、 C与第二段的意思符合。第三段最后一句话证实B与文章的意思符合。只有D“美国司法体系的对抗性程序导致了对事实的公平、没有偏见的表述和评价”,将原文最后一段第一句话的意思绝对化了,  曲解了原文的意思,所以不对。
