Your thoughts can be your best friend and worst enemy. Have you ever noticed that if you find yourself thinking even a single ne

admin2019-03-20  67

问题 Your thoughts can be your best friend and worst enemy. Have you ever noticed that if you find yourself thinking even a single negative thought, it inevitably spirals out of control until you have a nasty chorus of Mental Monsters taking over your brain? If you find yourself thinking, "I feel so lonely right now, " it’s easy to keep that thought process going in the wrong direction until thoughts like, "I will always be alone, " or "no one will ever love me, " creep up on you.
Be aware of what you are thinking about and stop your negative thoughts before they grow into Mental Monsters that are much harder to control. If you find yourself stressing out, do something that relaxes you. Light some candles or incense, take a nice hot bubble bath, perform some gentle yoga poses, or play soothing music.
Being aware of world events is totally okay, but becoming addicted to the news is a sure-fire way to sink your mood. Limit your news consumption to a small handful of articles per day because there is no reason to bury yourself in depressing news stories for hours on end.
Watching television is fine in moderation, but spending all of your free hours in front of the tube will do nothing to help you grow or feel better. Read a classic novel you adored in high school, go to a local community theater to enjoy a racy comedy or Shakespearean tragedy, and exercise at least every other day to keep your mind and body at the top of their game.(261 words)


答案 你的思想可以是你最好的朋友,也可以是你最大的敌手。你注意过没有,如果你有了哪怕一丁点儿负面的想法,它就会摆脱控制形成恶性循环,直到精神怪兽完全侵占你的大脑?如果你认为“我现在很孤单”,你的想法很容易会走错方向,进而你就会慢慢觉得:“我会一直孤单下去的”或者“永远也不会有人喜欢我”。 所以,你要留心自己的想法,谨防消极的想法变为难以控制的精神怪兽。觉得累了,可以做些什么放松放松。点上几根蜡烛熏香,洗个舒服的泡沫浴,做几个舒适的瑜伽动作或奏一曲舒缓的音乐。 关注一些世界大事是无可厚非的,但沉浸其中只会让你心情低落。每天只看几篇报道即可,毕竟没必要把时间连续浪费在那些只会让人压抑的新闻中去。 适当看看电视也不错,但空闲时间的几个钟头都在电视机前度过,不仅对你成长不好,也无益于放松心情。不妨读一本你高中时青睐的经典小说,去本地的社区剧院看一场特色的戏剧或莎士比亚的悲剧,也可以至少隔天锻炼一次,让思想和身体都处于饱满状态。

