The heads of some of Russia’s most prestigious educational establishments yesterday admitted that students use surrogates (代理人)

admin2012-08-22  47

问题     The heads of some of Russia’s most prestigious educational establishments yesterday admitted that students use surrogates (代理人) to gain entry to top institutes, whose qualifications are a passport to lucrative jobs.
    The surrogate students are only the latest symptom of an epidemic of corruption that has gripped the Russian higher education system. A report published this week by the Ministry of Education and Moscow’s Higher School of Economics (HSE) showed that more than $ 300m was paid in bribes to enter the country’s educational establishments last year. A direct bribe to lecturers to enter an institution can be up to $ 30 000 for a top law faculty, the HSE estimates.
    "In our school alone this spring we caught four impostors who were attempting to sit the entrance tests in place of others," said Grigory Kantorovich, deputy head of the HSE. "Those were not isolated cases; it’s a whole, specialised business. "
    Such corruption is multiplied by a burgeoning market in coursework and diplomas written by teachers and lecturers, which can be bought over the Internet.
    A police spokesman said there was no dedicated unit for tackling corruption in education, but individual cases were investigated if evidence was handed over.


答案 昨天,俄罗斯一些极富声望的教育机构首脑承认,有学生借助代考方式企图进入名牌大学就读,因为名校的毕业文凭是他们日后找到工资优厚的工作的通行证。 代考现象仅是俄高等教育体系中腐败成风的最新征兆。本周由俄罗斯教育部和莫斯科高等经济学院联合公布的报告表明,去年该国各教育机构收受的学生入学贿赂金额超过3亿美元。莫斯科高等经济学院估计,名校法律专业的导师一次性直接收受的贿赂金额可高达3万美元。 莫斯科高等经济学院副院长坎托罗维奇指出:“仅在我们学校,今年春季就抓到了4名入学考试代考者。这些作弊现象不是孤立的个案,它已成为一个整体的、专门的商业行为。” 在俄大中学校出现日益严重的作弊现象的同时,还存在着更严重的弄虚作假之风。目前,一些由教师和导师撰写的论文和各种假文凭正通过因特网公然叫卖,知识造假市场正在兴起。 莫斯科警察局发言人指出,目前尚无专门机构负责打击教育机构中存在的腐败现象,但如果证据移交上来,将会对个案立案侦查。

