A、By making the audiences feel enlightened and think a lot. B、By making the listeners learn what you want to convey. C、By making

admin2013-06-02  13

In 10th grade I joined the debate team. The 1976-77 National Forensic (法医的) League debate topic, used by high schools everywhere. (29)Just reading the topic again makes me sick with remembered dread. You had to get up in front of a judge and present a response to the other team’s proposal, which you’d just listened to for the first time and for eight solid minutes. You had five minutes to prepare, 480 painful seconds to respond. But over time I decided I wanted to win. And to win I have to convince the judge, to move him or her somehow. And then it became fun. Because it was no longer about me. (30) It was about my audience: getting listeners from here to there, changing their mind, actually having them leave the room thinking differently than when they entered. And that’s powerful. How will you do if you want to be a good speaker? Memorize your speech. That’s right. Memorize every word of it. Deliver it in front of a mirror five times, six times, ten times. (31) Then deliver it while your kid is screaming in the background, to develop the confidence that you can recite it no matter what distraction pops up. Why memorize it? Because nothing will put an audience to sleep faster than someone reading from a prepared text. And then, ever, ever use PowerPoint as your speech notes. The slides are for your audience, not for you. (32)The moment they see you reading through a list, they put you in a category with every other boring presenter they’ve ever seen and you’ve lost their interest.
29. Why does the speaker never want to read the debate topic again?
30. How to win a debating contest?
31. How can we train ourselves to recite our speech under any circumstance?
32. What may the listeners do if the speaker uses PPT as his speech list?

选项 A、By making the audiences feel enlightened and think a lot.
B、By making the listeners learn what you want to convey.
C、By making the speaker popular among people of all ages and all ranks.
D、By convincing the audiences to change their former minds.


解析 事实细节题。短文中提到演讲者要引领听众跟着自己的思路走,改变他们的想法,实际上就是让他们在离开房间时的想法与进入房间时不同。由此可知,想要赢得一场辩论赛,就要能够说服听众,改变他们原来的想法。
