A、It wasn’t good investment. B、It should have lasted longer. C、The man should buy new parts for it. D、The man won’t be able to g

admin2012-05-17  20

M: The service in this restaurant is really terrible.
W: Right. It’s high time they got rid of half of the staff here, if you ask me.
Q: What conclusion can we draw from the conversation?
M: The washing machine in our apartment is more than seventeen years old, and it worked just fine until last night.
W: You’ll never be able to get parts for it. It might be time to invest in a more recent model.
Q: What does the woman imply about the washing machine?

选项 A、It wasn’t good investment.
B、It should have lasted longer.
C、The man should buy new parts for it.
D、The man won’t be able to get it repaired.


解析 由女士所说的You’ll never be able to get parts for it(你永远都买不到它的零件了)可推断出,女士认为洗衣机没法修了,[D]的表述与此一致,故为答案。
