
admin2010-02-20  48

问题   公款吃喝,上有禁令,下有批评。然而,禁归禁,吃归吃,再穷的地方照样在不断地吃。而这些吃客们不知道是否想过:他们吃掉的岂止是美味佳肴,还有中国的希望呵!把“希望”称作“工程”的,在我国历史上绝无仅有。邓小平同志亲笔为之题词,并以“一个老共产党员’’的名义为其捐款,看着那些瘦弱身体、眼巴巴渴望学习的孩子们,有识之士纷纷伸出援助之手,但三年里仅得一亿多元,实在是杯水车薪哪!


答案 To enjoy food and drink on public funds is something both banned by the central government and criti- cized by the masses for a long time. However, there are still places that dare to bypass the ban and make merry of feas- ting and wine. This kind of eating drama goes on even in some of China’s poorest regions. I don’ t know whether, be- tween courses, it ever occurred to those eating lavishly that what they had eaten up is not just some fine food, but, far more painfully, China’ s hope. "Hope Project" is an unprecedented project in China, to which our beloved Comrade Deng Xiao ping has given his personal inscription and made a donation in the name of "a communist veteran ". Numerous men and women of vision have also offered their assistance with money to those children who, though thin and weak, are eager to go to school. Unfortunately, the total sum of donated money during thc past three years amounts to only one hundred million yuan,a far cry from the burning need.

解析 全文共有四句要求翻译。第一句话采用了“顺译法”,将“上有禁令,下有批评”直接翻译为“ banned by...and criticized by...”。第二句话比较长,故而在翻译过程中采用了“拆句”的方法,将原句分成三句来译,并且在翻译过程中很好地注意了连接词的运用。原文第三句采用了“合译法”,将两个分句用“t。which”连接,使译文显得简洁明了。原文最后一句话采用了“拆句法”和“语序调整法”,而且译文还采用了“增词法”,用unfortunately作为转折,比较恰当。
