Thank you for that introduction. Good morning everyone. I’d like to thank the U. S. Trade and Development Agency and the Civil A
Thank you for that introduction. Good morning everyone. I’d like to thank the U. S. Trade and Development Agency and the Civil A
Thank you for that introduction. Good morning everyone. I’d like to thank the U. S. Trade and Development Agency and the Civil Aviation Administration of China, for sponsoring this Summit. I extend a warm welcome to our Chinese guests.
I am an economist by training, and as an economist, I am obviously deeply interested in issues of international trade and competitiveness, the same issues that are at the center of this event. However, it doesn’t take an economist to understand the three main reasons we’re all here today.
First, China is one of the fastest growing air transportation markets in the world. Second, American aviation companies are among the most innovative and productive companies in the entire U. S. manufacturing sector. They offer world-class products and services that can help China meet its aerospace goals. And third, the U. S. government is absolutely committed to helping American businesses gain broader access to the Chinese market — creating win-win scenarios for our nations.
Ultimately, our success helping China meet its aerospace goals will mean more jobs here at home. And it is job creation that so many of us in this Administration are focused on day in and day out and why President Obama released his American Jobs Act just a few weeks ago.
This bi-partisan plan, which we hope Congress passes without delay, would provide a significant new tax cut for small businesses — and that describes thousands of firms that supply aerospace manufacturers, including foreign companies. It will cut the payroll tax in half on the first $ 5 million of wages paid by a company. And it provides a 100 percent payroll tax holiday on any new hiring or increased wages paid to existing employees. Additionally, the Jobs Act extends the 100 percent expensing for capital expenditures into 2012, continuing an historic incentive for new capital investments. The legislation would also empower states with new flexibility to allow out-of-work Americans to continue receiving unemployment benefits while they apprentice or take internships that will help them get the on-the-job training they need to learn the skills high-tech industries like yours are looking for.
We believe these measures and others in the Jobs Act can help give the private sector and American families a boost. It will create jobs — at least 1. 5 million according to independent experts — and help rebuild critical road, railway and airport projects that are the very backbone of Commerce.
It will help kickstart the virtuous cycle: Americans will have a little more money in their pockets every month, and that will fuel demand that leads to new jobs. And new jobs mean stronger income growth, spurring more demand, and on it goes. Our economy needs this type of help today, which means that the American Jobs Act needs to be passed today so that American businesses can benefit immediately.
During the past decade, profligate government spending, tax cuts for the wealthy, two wars and the recession turned a record surplus into a yawning deficit. The plan the President proposed last week puts us back on a path of fiscal responsibility. It includes measures that ask those that have done well in this economy to contribute to deficit reduction and spending cuts to a host of federal programs, ranging from farm subsidies to government civil service pensions. This balanced approach to deficit reduction spreads the responsibility for meeting this shared challenge.
Of course, amid all the talk of what we must do to improve the American economy, it’s important to remember what’s gone right. That story starts with the more than 2. 4 million jobs that have been created in the last 18 months. And our success at selling more of what we make to the 95 percent of consumers who live outside our borders. U. S. exports have been a key driver of America’s economic recovery. In 2010, U. S. exports of goods and services totaled $ 1.84 trillion, an increase of nearly 17 percent over 2009 levels. The aerospace industry accounted for nearly $ 78 billion of this total, and we thank you.
Exports have been growing at a strong pace overall in the first seven months of this year, up 16 percent over the same period last year. Importantly, exports support millions of American jobs, and these are good jobs. In the aerospace industry, for example, workers earn 47 percent more than manufacturing workers generally. Clearly, we would like to see the aerospace workforce grow.
And it will if the United States and China work more closely together. Our countries share one of the most important bilateral commercial relationships in the world. Our fates are interconnected like never before. As an economist, I spend lots of time looking at economic statistics. And the trade data show a rate of growth in the U. S. -China commercial relationship that is truly staggering.
The remarkable changes taking place in China, as millions of Chinese citizens ascend into the middle class, present a remarkable opportunity for both our countries. Make no mistake: The United States welcomes China’s growth. As Vice President Biden wrote on his recent trip to China, "a successful China can make both of our countries more prosperous, not less. As trade and investment bind us together, we have a stake in each other’s success. "
谢谢你的介绍。大家早上好!首先我要感谢赞助本届峰会的美国贸易和开发署与中国民航局。我向我们的中国客人表示热烈欢迎。 我的专业是经济学,作为一名经济学家,我显然对国际贸易与竞争力等问题深感兴趣,这些问题也是这次会议的中心议题。不过,你不必是个经济学家就能理解我们今天在这里举行会议的三个主要理由。 首先,中国是世界上空中交通市场发展最快的国家之一。其次,美国飞机制造公司是全美国制造业中最富创新能力、生产率最高的企业之一,它们提供能够帮助中国实现其航空目标的世界级的产品和服务。第三,美国政府决心尽力帮助美国企业获得更广泛的中国市场准入途径,从而为我们两国创建双赢的局面。 最终,我们帮助中国实现其航空目标的成功将转化成我们国内更多的就业机会。创造就业机会是本届政府中我们那么多人日日夜夜孜孜以求的目标,也是奥巴马总统在几星期前提出他的《美国就业法案》的目的。 我们希望国会毫不耽搁地通过的这个两党计划将为小企业提供新的显著的税务削减,这些小企业包括数以千计的为美国和外国飞机制造业者提供零件的公司。它将把一家公司500万美元以内的工资开支的工资税削减一半,并对新雇员的工资或已有员工的工资增加部分提供100%的工资税豁免。此外,该法案还将资本支出100%抵税延长至2012年,继续这一历史性的鼓励新资本投资的措施。该法案还将赋予各州新的灵活性,可以允许失业的美国人在他们当学徒或实习生期间继续领取失业金。通过当学徒或实习生,他们可获得他们所需要的在职培训,并学到像你们这样的高技术行业所寻求的技能。 我们相信,这些措施和《就业法案》中的其他一些措施能够帮助给予私营部门和美国家庭一个助力,它将能创造就业机会——据独立的专家估计至少有150万个——并帮助重建作为商业根本支柱的重要的道路、铁路和机场项目。 它将帮助快速启动一个良性循环:每个月美国人民口袋里将有稍多一些钱,那将拉动需求并催生新的就业机会;然后,新的就业机会又意味着更强劲的收入增长,那又将带动更多的需求;就这样一路循环下去。今天我们的经济需要这样的帮助,也就是说,《美国就业法案》需要今天就得以通过,这样美国企业才能立即受益。 在以前的十年中,肆意挥霍的政府开支、对富裕阶层的减税、两场战争和经济衰退把一个创历史纪录的盈余并成了一个巨大的赤字。总统上周提出的方案使我们重返财政问责的轨道。这包括采取措施,要求那些在这一经济形势中表现优秀的部门为减少赤字和削减开支做出贡献,削减内容包括一系列联邦计划,从农业补贴到政府文职人员的退休金。该减少赤字的平衡方案要求共同承担责任,以迎接这一共同的挑战。 当然,在谈论为改善美国经济我们必须采取措施的同时,我们有必要记住那些运转正常的方面。首先是过去18个月创造了240多万个就业机会。我们还成功地将更多的美国产品销售给95%生活在海外的消费者。美国出口产品是美国经济复苏的关键动力。2010年,美国的出口产品和服务总额为1.84万亿,比2009年增加了近17%。航天工业占这一总数的近780亿美元,在此感谢你们。 今年前7个月中,出口保持了整体的强劲速度,比去年同期增加了16%。值得一提的是,出口维持着数百万个美国工作机会,这些是良好的就业机会。例如,航天工业部门从业人员的收入一般比制造业工人高出47%。我们无疑希望看到航天工业的就业队伍壮大。 如果美国与中国进行更密切的合作,这种局面就会出现。我们两国拥有世界上最重要的双边商务关系之一。我们的命运从未像今天这样息息相关。作为一名经济学家,我花了许多时间研究经济统计数据。贸易数据显示了美中商务关系的增长率,这无疑是惊人的。 中国发生了显著的变化,数百万公民进入中产阶层,这为我们两国创造了良好的机会。美国无疑欢迎中国的增长。正如副总统拜登在一篇有关他最近中国之行的文章中所指出的:“成功的中国能使我们两国更繁荣,而不是相反。随着贸易和投资将我们紧密联系在一起,彼此的成功对我们利益攸关。”