A、She is going to Venice. B、She travels around the world. C、She likes to collect postcards. D、She is going on vacation. C男士说Lily

admin2013-10-30  27

W: My parents want to come visit next week, but I check every hotel in the area, and all seem to be full.
M: Why not call the Village Inn? It’s not so near the campus but it’s always get a few vacancies.
Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?
W: I guess I’ll send Lily a postcard from Venice when I go there on my trip.
M: I’m sure that she’d be happy to get one. She has a collection of cards from all over the world.
Q: What do we learn about Lily from the conversation?

选项 A、She is going to Venice.
B、She travels around the world.
C、She likes to collect postcards.
D、She is going on vacation.


解析 男士说Lily如果收到明信片一定会很开心的,她收藏从世界各地寄来的明信片,答案为C。
