随着雾霾变成一个社会焦点,应急措施已经启动。如以下这些措施:中小学学生在严重雾霾时停止进行户外活动,严格监管建筑施工,处罚排污企业。所有这些减少污染的措施都受到分派在城市各处的监察队的监督。 为了解决雾霾问题,我们可以仿照伦敦的做法,颁布我们自己的

admin2022-06-04  30

问题     随着雾霾变成一个社会焦点,应急措施已经启动。如以下这些措施:中小学学生在严重雾霾时停止进行户外活动,严格监管建筑施工,处罚排污企业。所有这些减少污染的措施都受到分派在城市各处的监察队的监督。


答案 As the problem of smog and haze becomes a public concern, emergency response measures have been started. Examples are as follows; primary and middle school students stop doing outdoor activities in serious hazy weather; construction should be strictly supervised and businesses would be punished for pollution emissions. All of these pollution reduction measures are overseen by inspection teams which have been dispatched to different parts of the city. In order to deal with the issue of smog and haze, we can also follow London’s example and launch our own Clean Air Act. We can introduce "smog control area" in cities in which only smokeless fuels could be burnt. What’s more, we should take a series of measures to deal with the traffic pollution, including developing public transport system, limiting the purchase of private cars, and tackling traffic congestion. Confronted with this problem, not only should the government set a series of policy, but also every one of us should take actions, such as riding bicycles to work and planting more trees, to protect our environment with our own strength.

