A、He had some drink at home. B、He had some drink at bar. C、He behaved rudely. D、He took a breathalyzer test. B事实细节题 。男士在为自己辩解时提到

admin2010-10-28  24

W: If I understand you correctly, Mr. Savage, you were driving well within the speed limit when you were Stopped by the Police.
M: That’s right. I always keep to the limit on Downside Road because there’s a school slap on the corner of the first turning and I wouldn’t want to run the risk of hitting one of the kids, now would I?
W: I’m afraid I do not know what you mean.
M: Well, I go by the speedometer, don’t I? That’s what a speedometer’s for, isn’t it, to tell you how fast you’re going. I mean a machine can’t lie, can it? People can, but not machines.
W: "Machines" as you call them are not necessarily infallible(一贯正确的) guides, Mr. Savage. They sometimes go wrong. (23)In any case according to the Police testimony you were driving at more than sixty miles an hour in such a manner as to cause a danger to the public. Weaving from side to side like a go-go dancer is what I think the Police Constable said.
M: Very funny, sir. Still, the steering wheel has been playing up a hit lately, I admit that. I said to my wife only the other day I’d better have it seen to, but she said she put it off till we went on holiday so...
W: Mr. Savage. Now, (23)I understand that when the Police stopped you, you refused to take a breathalyzer test... Why was that?
M: Well, I hadn’t been drinking, had I? (24)Half a lager and at the Feathers—you must be joking.
W: (25)It is not my habit to make jokes in court, Mr. Savage.

选项 A、He had some drink at home.
B、He had some drink at bar.
C、He behaved rudely.
D、He took a breathalyzer test.


解析 事实细节题 。男士在为自己辩解时提到他在the Feathers只喝了半杯啤酒,lager“窖藏啤酒”,由此可知the Feathers是酒吧的名字,所以这里他承认了自己在酒吧喝过酒。
