When Beverly Goodman was in elementary school, she gave a series of presentations on her favorite topic: disasters. She told h

admin2021-12-24  6

问题   When Beverly Goodman was in elementary school, she gave a series of presentations on her favorite topic: disasters. She told her classmates about some disasters in history, for instance, the Titanic. Today, at 45, she’s a marine geoarchaeologist (地理考古学家) who explores coastlines for clues to erosion, past tsunamis (海啸), and other disasters. ’It’s funny now that I’m a disaster scientist, basically," she says. "It all came together."
  Human settlements have long been built around access to water. Goodman studies how coastal change affected our ancestors: Were people forced to leave? Did they find innovative ways to adapt to the changes? This knowledge, she says, can help us "prepare responsibly for what this landscape is going to look like in the future." That was the case when Goodman and her team of scientists proved tsunamis had struck the coast of what is now Israel over the course of thousands of years. Partly as a result of their research, the country in 2014 developed its first tsunami preparedness plan.
  Humans are manipulating coastlines more dramatically than ever, says Goodman. To learn what effect this will have, "we need to be working faster, and we need more people working on it."She believes ancient clues buried underwater can save lives, particularly in places without written records.
According to the passage, her present job_________.

选项 A、is a disaster for her
B、is well-known to ordinary people
C、is closely related to her childhood interest
D、has nothing to do with her childhood hobbies


解析 本题考查细节。从题目中“her present job”得知考查的是现在她从事的职业。在第一段最后一句得知“It’s funny now that I’m a disaster scientist”(很有意思的是,我现在是一名灾难科学家),联系第一题可知,这与她小时候的兴趣紧密相关(closely related to her childhood interest),因此答案选C。
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