For thousands of years, people have looked up at the night sky and looked at the moon. They wondered what the moon was made of.

admin2007-12-11  33

问题     For thousands of years, people have looked up at the night sky and looked at the moon. They wondered what the moon was made of. They wanted to know how big it was and how far away it was. One of the most interesting questions was "Where did the moon come from?" No one knew for sure. Scientists developed many different theories, or guesses, but they could not prove that their ideas were correct.
    Then, between 1969 and 1972, the United States sent astronauts to the moon. They studied the moon and returned to the earth with rock samples. Scientists have studied these pieces of rock, the moon’s movements, and information about the moon and the earth. They can finally answer questions about the origin of the moon.
    Today most scientists believe that the moon formed from the earth. They think that a large object hit the earth early in its history. Perhaps the object was as big as Alars. When the object hit the earth, huge pieces of the earth broke off. These pieces then moved around the earth. After a brief time, the pieces came together and formed the moon.
    This "impact (撞击) theory" exposes many facts about the earth and the moon. For example, the moon is very dry because the impact created so much heat that it dried up all the water. The earth has iron in its center. However, the moon has very little iron in its center. This is because the moon formed from lighter materials that make up the outer part of the earth. Finally, the earth and the moon are almost of the same age: the earth is about 4.5 billion years old, while the moon is about 4.4 billion years old.
    No one can prove that something really happened billions of years ago. In the future, new information will either support this theory or show that it is wrong. For now, scientists accept the impact theory because it explains what we know today about the earth and the moon.
We can infer from the second paragraph that______.

选项 A、answers to the origin of the moon have been found out at last
B、scientists are eager to send more astronauts to space
C、technology helped scientists understand the universe more and better
D、astronauts could not return to the earth without the help of scientists


解析 本题为推理题,该推理主要取决于第二段中“Scientists have studied these pieces of rock,the moon’s movements,and information about the moon and the earth.They can finally answer questions about the origin of the moon.”这两旬。这两句话说明科学家通过研究找到了月球之谜的答案。因此,选项A为正确答案。而其他几个选项都不可能从该段所给信息中推理出来。
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