
admin2019-11-02  55

问题     我多少次想把这一段经历记录下来,但不是为这段经历感到愧悔,便是为觉察到自己要隐瞒这段经历中的某些事情而感到羞耻,终于搁笔。自己常常是自己的对立面。阳光穿窗而人,斜晖在东墙上涂满灿烂的金黄。停留在山水轴上的蛾子蓦地飞起来,无声地在屋里旋转。太阳即将走完自己的路,但她明日还会升起,依旧沿着那条亘古不变的途径周而复始;蛾子却也许等不到明天便会死亡,变成一撮尘埃。世上万千生物活过又死去,有的自觉,有的不自觉,但都追求着可笑的长生或永恒。而实际上,所有的生物都获得了永恒,哪怕它只在世上存在过一秒钟。那一秒钟里便有永恒。我并不想去追求虚无缥缈的永恒。永恒,已经存在于我的生命中了!


答案 So many times I have intended to write down these experiences of mine, only to be discouraged either by repentance for what I have done, or by the shame I felt as I knew I would be covering some of them up. One is often one’s own enemy. The sunlight is slanting through the window, spreading the eastern wall with golden glory. A moth has all of a sudden launched itself from its perch on a landscape painting, and quietly starts to circle around the room. The sun is coming to the end of its day’s journey, but tomorrow, she will rise again, repeating that everlasting course from the beginning. The moth, however, may die before the return of the day, reduced to a pinch of dirt. Creatures in this world, living their lives and dying their deaths, consciously or unconsciously, are all obsessed with that ridiculous idea of immortality or eternity. Yet as a matter of fact, every one of them has attained eternity, even though it may have lived but one second. There is eternity in this one-second life.

解析 本文节选自张贤亮《男人的一半是女人》的开篇段。小说开篇往往提示了整个故事的文体基调。原作中,本段作为开篇文字的一部分,与接下来“讲故事”的叙事形成对照,似乎在引导读者从故事情节中追寻某种哲理的蕴涵。艺术作品的开头,不仅提示其艺术取向,也往往是作品给读者第一印象的关键部分。翻译不可避免地涉及读者对象以及阅读行为的文化环境的变更,所以考生在原作和译作的艺术品位之外,也得切实考虑到译作读者的期望。不管是文学翻译还是非文学翻译,词义的选择都是一个值得特别关注的问题。笔者以本段为例,做一些介绍。
1. 动词“想”可以表示:(1)开动脑筋;思索think;ponder。(2)推测;认为suppose;consider;presume;think。(3)希望;打算hope to;want to;would like to;be going to。(4)怀念;想念miss;remember with longing。原文的“想”并不是动宾意义的“想”,而是“想要”的“想”,这就与第三引申义相似。intend一词表示“意欲做某事”。
2. 搁笔:词典定义为“停笔”或“放下笔”(lay down the pen or stop writing)。根据上下文,原文表达的意思更是曾经想写而未动笔,而不是开始写了而后停笔,故不宜用词典定义。这也可以从“自己要隐瞒这段经历中的某些事情”得到印证;如果动笔,就要隐瞒某些事情,因此就觉得泄气——be discouraged,所以不写。
3. 对立面:原文有意带些哲学文论的味道, “对立面”本义指处于矛盾统一体中的相互依存、相互斗争的两个方面,可以译为opposite或antithesis之类的词。但enemy容易引导读者联想起诸如“Your worst enemy is your soul.” “The worst enemy of man is man.” “One’s worst enemy is oneself.”之类休谟或尼采式的警句。
4. 灿烂的金黄:原文带有超脱物质世界的哲学文论的味道,而这与选用一些“大词”不无关系。在本段以大词来描写具体的细节,隐隐透出一种“夸张”的张力。这里“灿烂”一词既带有夸张,又带有讽喻。参考译文“golden glory”是基于这种考虑而做出的调整。
5. 停留在山水轴上的蛾子蓦地飞起来,无声地在屋里旋转:这句的翻译在选词和造句上用的也是“牛刀杀鸡”——“launched itself”。
6. 世上万千生物……都追求着可笑的长生或永恒:有的人将这句话处理为“Hundreds and thousands of creatures…all believe in the absurdity of longevity and eternity.”译文乍看没有问题,但仔细想来,问题颇多。如果用“believe”,表示“相信长生或永恒的可笑性”,或许可以改为“Hundreds and thousands of creatures…all ridiculously believe in immortality and eternity.”。
