Columbus was an Italian, but he is known throughout the world. He is regarded as one of the greatest sailors in history. He spen

admin2015-05-21  35

问题     Columbus was an Italian, but he is known throughout the world. He is regarded as one of the greatest sailors in history. He spent most of his life sailing around the world, and his trip in 1492 led to the famous discovery of America. The following is an interesting story during the trip.
    In order to get fresh food-and-water-, Columbus and his men landed in Jamaica. The people there were not friendly and did not want to help them at all. They said they would attack if he didn’ t leave their island. It was April 2, 1493, and Columbus knew that an eclipse(日食) of the sun was about to appear. (The eclipse of the sun can be frightening. The moon comes between the earth and the sun and it gets dark in the middle of the afternoon!) Columbus told the people of the island that if he didn’t get food and water, he would make the sun go away. When the moon blocked out the sun and it suddenly became dark, the people of the island thought Columbus was a God and gave him enough food and water.
Columbus and his men landed in Jamaica because______.

选项 A、the people there were not friendly to new comers
B、they were in great need of fresh food and water
C、this land was rich with fresh food and water
D、they were too tired and too hungry to go on with the trip


解析 答案在第二自然段第一句话“In order to get fresh food and water,Columbus and his men landed in Jamaica.”。故正确的答案为B。
