Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that tobacco causes more than 400 000 deaths each year, our nation’s children continue

admin2016-02-04  59

问题     Despite overwhelming scientific evidence that tobacco causes more than 400 000 deaths each year, our nation’s children continue to have easy access to cigarettes and spit tobacco. There are no significant restrictions on tobacco marketing that target teenagers, no national anti-smoking programs under way, and none on the drawing board. Despite all the research on the dangers of secondhand smoke, there are no nationwide protections against it. To top it all off, the United States has among the weakest package warnings and the lowest tobacco product prices in the industrialized nations of the world. Yet, we now have the opportunity to finally address the biggest and most preventable health problem facing this nation. After a long and thorough analysis, President Clinton has come forward with a statement of principles and direction for a national tobacco control plan that represents a major step.


答案 尽管有不容置疑的科学证据表明烟草每年可导致40万人死亡,但是我国的儿童仍旧可以轻而易举地获得香烟,咀嚼烟草。国家对以青少年为销售对象的香烟市场没有重大限制,没有在全国范围内掀起反吸烟运动,没有悬挂任何宣传吸烟有害的牌子,尽管有关二手烟危害的研究不少,但国家并没有采取全国性的制止措施。最严重的是,美国是在香烟盒上贴警告语最弱的国家,它也是世界上的工业国中烟草售价最低的国家。然而,我们现在最终有机会解决本国面临的最大而且是最妨碍身体健康的问题了。经过长时间的彻底分析之后,克林顿总统终于制定了国家烟草控制方案的原则和方向,(从而)迈出了重要的一步。

