
admin2023-02-19  30

问题 龙,一种仅出现在神话故事中的动物,在英文中是邪恶的象征。在英语文化中,龙是《圣经》中撒旦(Satan)的化身。然而在中国传统文化中,龙是为人类造福的动物。龙在中文里是吉祥、权威和珍稀的象征。现在龙在中国人的心目中依然享有崇高的地位。中国人自称“龙的传人”。龙已成为民族的图腾(totem)。在中国有很多关于龙的成语。例如“望子成龙”意思是希望儿子能成为一个有光明前途的人。


答案Dragon, an animal only found in fairy tales, symbolizes evil in English. In English culture, dragon stands for the Satan in Bible. However, in Chinese traditional culture, dragon is an animal that can bring people blessing. Dragon stands for luck, authority and rareness in Chinese. Nowadays, dragon still has a high position in Chinese minds, and the Chinese call themselves descendants of the dragon. Dragon has become the national totem. There are a lot of idioms about dragon in China. For example, the idiom "Wang Zi Cheng Long" refers to the hope that one’s son grows up to be a person with a promising future.

解析     1. “一种仅出现在神话故事中的动物”可翻译成同位语,对龙进行说明。
    2. “龙是为人类造福的动物”可译为定语从句dragon is an animal that…,“为人类造福”可理解为“给人类带来福气(bring people blessing)”。
    3. “吉祥、权威和珍稀”应翻译成并列的名词:luck, authority and rareness。
    4. “望子成龙”后有具体的解释,可直接写成汉语拼音。“希望儿子有出息、有光明的前途”可先译出中心词“希望 (the hope)”。再用同位语从句对其进行解释。
