[A] Consider the consequences [B] Allow for delays [C] Manage your time effectively [D] Consider how it makes you look

admin2020-02-12  61

问题    [A] Consider the consequences
   [B] Allow for delays
   [C] Manage your time effectively
   [D] Consider how it makes you look
   [E] Reward yourself
   [F] Have a good sleep
   [G] Get ready in advance
   5 Effective Ways to Stop Being Chronically Late
   Are you tired of being chronically late? Do your friends not even bother to show up until at least 20 minutes after they told you to arrive, because they know they will still need to wait for you? The consequences of repeating lateness can be really terrible. If chronic lateness has taken control over your life and has turned into a defining trait of your character, you have the risk to lose valuable job offers, friendships and great opportunities. There are several ways to break that nasty and irritating to everyone habit of tiresome tardiness.
   If you are disorganized, the problem will be that you cannot get ready quickly. The way out is to do some prep work beforehand. The less you have to do in the morning, the faster you would be able to get ready. You should lay out anything that you may need to take with you. Prepare clothing and gather all other personal things in a place where you can find them easily. If you continue doing everything in the last moment, you will always be late.
   Many people don’t take account of delays in route that usually make them arrive late. If you have to drive, make sure you consider the drive time, the potential for traffic and the time to find a vacant parking place. Your drive time can be absolutely unpredictable, especially if you live in a big city. Nowadays there is a great variety of delays that can occur. Even nature can surprise you with horrible weather conditions and make you arrive at work late again.
   When you do this, you feel the power of motivation to keep improving yourself in the future. The most challenging thing is to change yourself for the better. It requires efforts to fight laziness and bad habits, which usually make you unhappy and unfortunate. Try not to be too hard on yourself, but stimulate yourself by small prizes for successful and persistent steps in struggle against the habit of being chronically late.
   When you are chronically late, people around can find you irresponsible and inconsiderate. Try to put yourself on the place of those people, who are hopelessly waiting for you. It’s even possible to see dissatisfaction and anger in their eyes. You’d better rid yourself of this habit if you want to be treated with respect by your colleagues and friends. It will help you get the reputation of a man of his word.
   If you really want to understand the core of the problem, you should think about the results. This terrible habit usually affects your relationships with others. It is easy to gain the reputation of a person who is always late. Moreover, it can influence on your children’s record at school for having numerous delays. No one likes to have common affairs with people who cannot appear in time. By all means, you should prevent yourself from these effects. You can do it, if you begin to respect your time and the time of others.



解析 从本段首句的find you irresponsible and inconsiderate(觉得你不负责任和不体贴)可以看出本段与长期性迟到在他人心中造成的形象有关。再结合下文提及的站在别人的角度看问题,以及改掉这个习惯会在别人心中为自己塑造一个怎样的形象,可看出本段强调的是要考虑长期迟到会影响他人对自己的看法,D项正是表达这个意思,其中how it makes you look对应文中的find you irresponsible and inconsiderate和respect by your colleagues and friends,故确定D为答案。
