
admin2016-01-30  27

问题     语言学无疑是学术领域最热门的话题。它浸透着诗人、神学者、哲学家、语言学家、心理学家、生物学家和神经学家的血液,融人了文法家的方方面面。目前以“语言学”之名从事的大多数工作纯粹是描述性的;语言学家试图不通过价值判断或尝试绘制出未来语言发展的方向就来澄清语言的本质。但是,有许多专业人士和业余爱好者也在制定语言规则,他们规定出专门标准让大家遵守。而规定语法学家(prescriptivist)可能是想勾画出他们猜想什么是所谓的“错误的用法”,描写语言学家(descriptivist)却试图找到这种用法的根源;他们可能仅仅把它描述为“特殊的”,或者可能想找到规定语法学家不喜欢的规律性。规定语法学家之所以不喜欢这些规律,要么是因为它们太新,要么是因为它们源自一种他们不认可的方言。20世纪下半叶,规定性语法的传统受到越来越激烈的批评,这可以从他们反对的调子越来越微弱得到证明,但规定性语法的传统还远远没有消亡。


答案 Linguistics is inarguably the most hotly contested property in the academic realm. It is soaked with the blood of poets, theologians, philosophers, philologists, psychologists, biologists, and neurologists, along with whatever blood can be got out of grammarians. Most work currently done under the name of " linguistics" is purely descriptive; the linguists seek to clarify the nature of language without passing value judgments or trying to chart future language directions. Nonetheless, there are many professionals and amateurs who also prescribe rules of language, holding a particular standard out for all to follow. Whereas prescriptivists might want to stamp out what they perceive as " incorrect usage" , descriptivists seek to find the root of such usage; they might describe it simply as "idiosyncratic" , or they may discover a regularity that the prescriptivists don’t like because it is perhaps too new or from a dialect they don’t approve of. During the second half of the twentieth century, the prescriptive tradition has fallen under increasing criticism, manifested by the faintly disapproving tone of this entry, but the prescriptive tradition is far from extinct.

