A、Violent programs shouldn’t be broadcast until 10 pm. B、Violent programs could be broadcast only when all children are in bed.

admin2021-09-29  36

M: Shirley, what is the topic of your research?
W: Forms of shopping. You know, shopping online or going to the department stores. What about yours, Flex?
M: I’ve been finding out people’s attitudes towards the amount of violence on television.
W: That’s interesting. What do your results show?
M: Well, as I said I haven’t finished writing my conclusion yet, but it seems that most people think there is a problem. Unfortunately, there is no real agreement on the action that needs to be taken. Nearly everyone surveyed said that there was too much violence on TV. A lot of people complained that American police series and Chinese kung fu films were particularly violent. The main objection seems to be that although a lot of people get shot, stabbed, decapitated and so on, the films never show the consequences. People watching the violence might take the heroes of these programs as real models and imitate their behaviour.
W: So what do most people suggest we do?
M: A lot of people are concerned about how these films affect children. They are particularly worried that children will try to behave like the stars. The survey shows that violent programs should only be broadcast after 10 pm when most children are already in bed. There is also a significant minority of people who feel that violent films should be banned altogether.
W: How do people feel about the violence on news broadcasts?
M: Most of the responses I have looked at show that violence on news broadcasts is more acceptable as it’s real. Although it is unpleasant, it is important to keep in touch with reality. Still, some people think that it will be better to restrict violent scenes to late evening.
Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
5.What is Shirley’s research project on?
6.What do the results of Flex’s survey show?
7.What do most people suggest we do about the violence on TV?
8.What is people’s attitude towards violence on news broadcasts?

选项 A、Violent programs shouldn’t be broadcast until 10 pm.
B、Violent programs could be broadcast only when all children are in bed.
C、Violent programs should be prohibited completely.
D、Violent programs should be tailored to be suitable for children.


解析 对话中提到,调查显示,电视中的暴力节目应该只能在晚上10点以后播出,那时大多数孩子已经入睡,因此答案为A)。
