Although mobile penetration has spread rapidly with over 5. 3 billion subscribers worldwide, the thrust now is to drive content

admin2018-07-31  37

问题     Although mobile penetration has spread rapidly with over 5. 3 billion subscribers worldwide, the thrust now is to drive content through enhanced broadband access aimed at establishing the information and communication highways — networks that will feed both rural communities and urban centres with the means to meet their development goals and aspirations. ITU’s leadership role is aimed at increasing the roll out of this state-of-the-art technology to firmly establish a universally accessible knowledge-based information society.


答案 日本的一个科学家小组决定接受大自然的导引,专注研究一种长着在阳光下熠熠生辉的鲜艳蓝色翅膀的蝴蝶。他们利用一种防水复合材料和别的化学材料制成从红到蓝颜色不一的仿蝴蝶材料。另外,土耳其的科学家也利用一种随处可见的廉价塑料制成了另一种仿莲叶的防水材料。这些新材料可用作窗户、相机以及其他物体的涂层。日本人研制的涂层很具时尚性,且利于环保,因为无须染上刺眼的颜色,也不用洗涤剂清洁。

