Choose TWO letters, A-E. What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree to say about listening in groups? A Listening skills are often

admin2014-11-08  69

问题 Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO things do Brad and Helen agree to say about listening in groups?
A Listening skills are often overlooked in business training.
B Learning to listen well is a skill that’s easy for most people to learn.
C It’s sometimes acceptable to argue against speakers.
D Body language is very important when listening.
E Listeners should avoid interrupting speakers.
Narrator: You will hear two business studies students discussing a presentation they’ll do on an article on working effectively in groups. First you have some time to look at Questions 21-26. Now listen, and answer Questions 21-26.
Helen: So, Brad, what did you think of the article on group work?
Brad: Oh hi, Helen ... yeah it was pretty good ... with helpful pieces of advice on how to make group work effective.
Helen: I think we were lucky to be given such a straightforward text to present at the management skills seminar.
Brad: Yeah ... actually shall we discuss it now ... have you got time?
Helen: Sure ... it’s only a ten-minute presentation, so we just need to explain and then give our views on the main points raised in the article.
Brad: I’ll jot down some notes ... Right.
Helen: So, there are three main sections. I suggest we start with listening.
Brad: Yeah ... effective listening in groups... because it’s not something that’s frequently covered on courses in our field ...
Helen: No ... and we should say that in the presentation.
Brad: Yeah ... And also effective listening’s pretty simple, you know, I don’t think it’s hard to learn.
Helen: Well ... people think it’s easy, but in my experience most of us tend to be very lazy listeners.
Brad: OK—I wouldn’t argue with that.
Helen: Something I do think we should emphasise is the power of the listener’s posture, gestures, etc. in making speakers feel respected.
Brad:... not that you’re just waiting for them to finish... before jumping in with your own ideas ...
Helen: Ah ha.
Brad: OK. Right... the next section is on goal setting—let’s make sure we’re clear what the article says on this.
Helen: Yeah—well, firstly it savs that all group members must be given time to explain their own goals.
Brad: ... that’s it, yeah.
Helen: ... and then did it say that the whole group should agree on common goals?
Brad: That’s a bit too strong. It’s more that everyone’s agendas should be equally acceptable ... but it does say that goals have to be realistic, you know ...
Helen: ... achievable within a particular time?
Brad: You’ve got it. That’s really what the article’s saying. There isn’t really any point in having ’ideals’ if group members know they won’t come to anything within a reasonable period ... So ... I think a summary covering those points will be enough for that part of the presentation, don’t you?
Helen: Yep ... Now the last section is about conflict resolution.
Brad: Actually, I thought it was the worst part of the article.
Helen: Me too ...
Brad: I don’t think it went into sufficient detail on the issue.
Helen: Actually I thought it devoted too much space to it but that it was all rather boring, you know ...
Brad: It didn’t mention some of the more radical theories
Helen: Absolutely ...I found that really irritating.
Brad: Right... and also I think it could have said more about conflict sometimes being healthy in groups...
Helen: Absolutely ... it just mentioned rather glibly about how we should avoid thinking of winners and losers and that quick resolution of conflict is always desirable.
Brad: Without explaining what these terms mean ... ?
Helen: Well, it gives quite detailed definitions but doesn’t develop a proper argument.
Brad: Right... So for the presentation, I think we just give some definitions and ...
Helen: ... and then explain what we felt were the weaknesses in the article’s treatment of conflict resolution. Brad: Yeah ... good.
Narrator: Now you have some time to look at Questions 27-30. Now listen and answer Questions 27-30.
Brad: So, let’s think about what we have to prepare for the actual presentation.
Helen: Well, I suppose we’ll use PowerPoint ... but I’m hopeless at using it, especially if it has any visuals. I really have to look into doing a course on it because I know I’ll need it in the future.
Brad: Don’t worry, I’m quite happy using PowerPoint and I’ll put it together when everything else is ready.
Helen: That’s a relief... but, yes, do that later.
Brad: OK. Now, I heard the tutor saying we have to include some well chosen quotations from the article?
Helen: I’m not sure if we do ... I’ll email him to find out.
Brad: No need, I can just have a look at the specs he gave us when he set the task ...
Helen: That’ll be quicker.
Brad: But the tutor definitely said we have to prepare a handout to go with the talk ... I’m not really sure how we do that.
Helen: Sarah did one last year...
Brad: Who’s she?
Helen: She’s doing the same option as me on marketing. I’ll ask her advice on what to include.
Brad: Great. So that just leaves the bibliography at the end. I suppose it’ll mainly be articles.
Helen: Yeah. So we’ll just look on the web ... and we can leave that till later.
Brad: But we’ve been advised against that...
Helen: Well, we could have a look through some journals in the library.
Brad: I think we should start by looking through module handbooks. I think that’ll give us some good leads.
Helen: Yeah ... you’re probably right. So, that’s all the ...

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