Our common concepts of "soundness" or "good health" are far from the real criteria of health. In recent years, some experts have

admin2018-06-06  59

问题    Our common concepts of "soundness" or "good health" are far from the real criteria of health. In recent years, some experts have proposed the concept of sub-health as against the traditional view of health in terms of no illness. Although no evidence of illness is found in the body function of a person in sub-health, his energy tends to be deficient and adaptive abilities are on the decline to different degrees, which is a symptom of incomplete health. Physiologically people in sub-health are very susceptible to cold, fatigue and discomfort— including dyspepsia, insomnia, and psychological syndromes such as reduction of self-control, hypersensitiveness to surroundings, distortion of mental balance, and instability of mood. Experts estimate that without appropriate treatment or adjustment, 70% of the people in sub-health will die of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases: 10% will die of diabetes-incurred metabolic malfunction: 10% of overfatigue and unexpected sudden death: only the rest 10% are expected to run the natural course of life. This gloomy view should be taken into serious account by middle-and-old-aged people in sub-health. Never be too self-confident about your health. Instead, consult the doctor immediately or adjust yourself in work and life in case of any evidence of sub-health. Once in sub-health, no one is a better doctor than yourself.


答案 我们通常所说的“没病”或“身体挺好”这些概念远远不是真正健康的标准。近年来有些医学专家们针对“没病就是健康”的传统观念提出了“亚健康”的概念。亚健康状态指的是一个人的身体机能虽然没有明确的疾病表现,但是平时却缺乏活力,对外界的适应能力已有不同程度的减退。这就是一种不完全健康的表现。亚健康人群在生理上常表现为易感冒、易疲劳、易不适,这里所说的“不适”包括消化不良、睡眠不佳以及心理方面的不适,如自我控制能力下降、对外界事务反应过敏、内心难以平衡、情绪不稳定等。医学专家们估计,如果不进行适当的治疗或调整,处于亚健康状态的人,将有70%死于心脑血管疾病;10%死于糖尿病代谢障碍;10%死于过劳死及意外猝死;只有大约10%的人有希望安享天年/寿终正寝。这种悲观的估计特别应当引起正处于亚健康状态的中老年朋友们的高度重视。千万不要对自己的身体过于自信,如果发现自己正处于亚健康状态,就应及时看医生,或者调整自己的工作和生活方式。 处于亚健康状态时,最好的医生是你自己。

